
Sponsor CGW

There are some great changes going on over here at Crafty Girls Workshop. We've seen all sorts of talented folks all over blogland and feel that our readers may very well be interested in the products and services you offer. Perhaps you're a visitor to our blog who makes jewelry or designs cards or scrapbook pages. Many of the readers of the Crafty Girls Workshop blog would be interested in those items. This is your chance to get the word out about your crafty business and help support CGW in our advertising efforts elsewhere in blogland.

Since our blog is still growing, we're offering spaces for a very low $10 per month (no minimum). The cost may go up a little in the future but hopefully it will still be affordable for many people. I know it's a bummer to be super excited about advertising somewhere only to find out it costs $100 a month!

What do you get for your $10 investment?

* A nice sized 125x125 badge displayed on the right sidebar

* A post about your business to introduce you to our readers

* A link to your blog in our blogroll (this will remain even after your sponsorship time ends)

If you are interested in a sponsorship spot, please e-mail me at and put Sponsorship in the title. Also, it would be great if you'd include the 125x125 ad with your message.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions as well.

Additional bonus: If you refer a friend who also signs up for a sponsorship, you'll get an extra month, FREE!

Thanks so much, I look forward to hearing from you soon.