
Monday, April 13, 2009

Wow, what a response and More Chances to Enter

Oh, I have just loved checking my e-mail and reading the wonderful comments from everyone who has entered for the drawing! And, as much as I LOVE receiving such kinds words, and I have to admit, I sort of asked for them by asking what you liked. I would also like some constructive feedback so that I can improve my store and generate some sales! It was encouraging to see that many of you liked the kits, but no one purchased anything. That's perfectly OK because I know that when I visit a shop to enter a drawing, I usually don't purchase anything either. But I really would appreciate some feedback as well. So, here's a bonus chance to get into the drawing again (ha, bet you didn't know I was going to do that did you?) If you would be so kind as to send me a suggestion for how I can improve my shop, (Please e-mail it to me at anna (at) craftygirlsworkshop (dot) com) I will add your name to the drawing for a second time. That increases your odds of winning that charm pack!

Also, if you tell your friends on your blog about the giveaway and they stop by to say hi and visit my shop, you'll both get another entry! So go out and spread the word and please send me your constructive feedback about the shop. Thanks sooo much!

Crafty Girl Anna

P.S. If you have an Etsy store and would like to trade bloggy ad space (no cost) please let me know. I'd be happy to display your Etsy shop sign here on my blog if you'd display mine.

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