
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Almost Here!

It's quickly approaching, June 8th, the day of the drawing for the SEWN launch party giveaway! I am so thrilled by the overwelming response I've gotten! In fact, I am so excited about it that I've decided to give away BOTH the Glace AND the Figgy Pudding charm packs, plus one yard of fabric and that pattern for the table runner! This is mostly because I've had something like 175 people leave comments, AMAZING! There is still time to get a few more entries in the bucket though. You can definately blog about it on your blog and send people over here, that worked great for Jenny of Elefantz who has probably had at least 10 extra entries from her friends visiting. You can also become a follower, which I think a bunch of you have done, but the more the merrier I always say! I have noticed that a lot of you that have commented for the giveaway are new to quilting and I think that's AWESOME! This is the best time to get into quilting because there are so many wonderful resources out there in blogland, not to mention the fabulous SEWN network that is just about to launch next week! You should definately visit AmandaJean (the crazy mom who quilts) at her blog because she is always posting the most beautiful quilts. I can't believe how she finds the time to get all that finished! I mean, she has kids and everything! OK, and how cool is this? I e-mailed Sarah Fielke over at the SEWN network (and author of Material Obsession) to ask her if she knew anything about when Material Obsession Two would be available in the US. She's so wonderful because she replied right away! She said it won't be available here until February 2010!! Wow, that's a long time. I am really debating about whether or not I can wait or if I want to just buy it from her site and pay the extra shipping charge. I am all about instant gratification you know. So, don't forget there is still time to enter the giveaway and tell your friends. Oh, I almost forgot to ask this, if you are new to quilting, please tell me what sort of things you'd like to learn about. Do you want some ideas for easy and fast patterns or things to do with those precuts? Do you need help figuring out how to cut half square triangles or are you still trying to decipher all those quilting acronyms? I think it would be fun to be able to help answer your questions. Until next time.

Happy Stitches,
The Techy-Crafty Girl


  1. hi! i am very new to thing that i can't seem to find a good answer to is what to do when several points come together in a center (think trivial pursuit pie pieces) ... i either have a hole or thick bunchy mess :(

  2. Hi I have been quilting for quilt a while and I love it! I always love new fabrics. It's fun to just look at them and imagine what I can make!

  3. I would need help with cutting and everything being even and consistent.
    I am new to quilt and would love to just sit over someones shoulder and watch for a while, but I am stuck with the trial and error and reading blogs to learn.
    I would love to take a class at the quilt shop but $$ not right now.

  4. I forgot to say that I have become a follower of your blog!
