
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Quilt Retreat!

Wayyy back a couple of months ago, I got this funny idea in my head. I was thinking that last year I had a lot of fun attending a quilt retreat with my mother in law, and partner for Crafty Girls Workshop, Regina. This was a retreat organized by our local Quilt Guild and it was my first retreat for this purpose. It was AWESOME, we had so much time to sit and sew and work on stuff and all the food and goodies we could eat were already provided for us. I didn't have to worry about dishes, or laundry or cooking. It was relaxing, to say the least. This year, I am not really active in the quilt guild anymore and so I missed getting to register for their retreat but I found out that one of the members of Quilting Friends happens to be the related to the owners of a quilt retreat center and fabric shop in Hamilton, TX! So when I found this out I jumped into action, organizing a retreat. First it was just going to be for Regina and my mom and me. Small and fun, but then I thought, "the more the merrier" and I realized that there are several members of Quilting Friends who live in Texas and might like to attend. So I opened it up to them, and then to the members of a few of the quilting e-mail groups I'm on. The next thing I know, I've got almost 10 people signed up! Well that friendly relative of the owners of One More Stitch said that they could accomodate up to 16 people, so I decided to challenge myself to booking the entire thing! To make a loooooong story short, we still have a few openings, and given that there are so many new quilters who have posted here, I thought I would offer you all the opportunity to sign up and attend if you would like. This retreat isn't limited to people in Texas, if you are willing to make the trip, come on down!! Here are the details:

Date: Friday, July 17-Sunday July 19
Cost: $59.50+tax to register and reserve your spot, plus $59.50+tax upon arrival
Where: Hamilton, TX, just west of Waco at One More Stitch quilt shop and retreat center

If you are interested, PLEASE e-mail me right away. We have hmm, four or five spots open and I'd like to have everyone set by July 1 (the owners of One More Stitch need to have a final headcount for food prep purposes.)

I am also taking names for NEXT year's retreat (yes, we hope to make this a yearly event) so if you can't attend this year would but like to be contacted about next year's event, please let me know.

Well, I think that's it. I hope I'll hear from some of you soon.

Happy Stitches,

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