
Friday, July 10, 2009

Giveaway in Blogland

Hi Everyone,
Well, I've found another great giveaway by complete accident, I love it when that happens! I thought I'd tell you all about it, because of course, if you go and enter and tell her I sent you then we both get an extra entry! Kati Cupcake is giving away a KIT to make an AWESOME quilt with Amy Butler fabrics! Gee, those are my three favorite things!! You'll notice, perhaps, that I've created a little place in the sidebar to the right where I plan to feature any giveaways that I find in blogland. So, please check back here often, not just for Crafty Girls Workshop updates, but for new giveaways too! Oh, and check out the Moda Bake Shop, they've posted a few new patterns this week, including a nice table topper made out of charms for a disappearing nine patch! It's very cute and looks soooo easy! I wish I had more time to make some of these awesome projects. Oh, don't forget, there are over 75 new items in our shop this week! If you purchase any of the featured items, we'll send you an additional FREE surprise! The theme is Christmas in July so I've featured several of our Christmas fabrics and patterns. We have more to add soon (as soon as I can get them scanned in) so keep an eye on our shop. Now for a wonderful announcement...tomorrow I'm going to post about a Giveaway of our own! Yippee! Be sure to come back and see what we are going to give away in honor of my dad's 63rd birthday! It is definately going to be great. Hope to see you here tomorrow!

Happy Stitches,

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