
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Time for a Giveaway!

We've reached sale number 30 so to celebrate I am going to give away 3 very cute (if I do say so myself) pincushions. That means we'll have 3 winners! You might wonder why these pincushions have those ribbon tabs on them. Well, when I was at a quilt retreat back in July I noticed that the very smart ladies there figured out how much easier life is when there is a pin cushion pinned to the design wall. So when I was sewing these up yesterday I decided to add a little ribbon tab to make it easy to just hang it on or pin it to the design wall. As it turns out, I already had lots of ribbons that coordinated perfectly with the 5" squares I had cut from my leftovers after some previous projects. I just love making pincushions like these, they are so easy and sew fun! They are stuffed with polester fiberfill, which I heard is a great stuffing because it keeps the needles sharp and they apparently slide through the fabric easier. I actually keep several pincushions all over my sewing room. OK, so you probably want to know how you can enter into the drawing, right? Just do any of the following, and please add each as a separate comment (makes it easier to count them that way) if we can get up to 100 comments, I'll add something extra to the drawing as well.

1) Visit our shops either on Etsy (mostly patterns and destash) or on Big Cartel (yardage and kits) and post here to let me know which one you visited and what you think
2) Blog about this giveaway and you'll get another entry in the drawing (comment here and tell me the address for your blog)
3) Write a tweet about it for your twitter friends
4) You'll get an extra entry for any friends who visit this blog and say you sent them
5) Become a follower of this blog so you can find out about shop updates

Be sure to tell me your e-mail or your blog address so I can contact you if you win the drawing!

Happy shopping and blogging and good luck!

I'll draw the winners on Wednesday 09-09-09.

Happy Stitches!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Back!! And there is a SALE in our Shop!

Hey Everyone,
I really missed posting on here. I haven't even been able to keep up the blog over on our website. I've been posting more on my personal blog, called Sew Good Sew Far, and I usually have mentioned shop updates over there as well. But I really enjoyed having a blog dedicated to the shop that I don't have to dig around to find. And I also really love knowing that at least 88 people are following my posts! So I've decided to keep this one up again, and do my best to post more often if I can. So, today's exciting news is that we've decided to do a little house cleaning before the fall starts. And by house cleaning I mean, CLEAN HOUSE because Regina's house is our shipping and receiving department and we need some room for all the NEW fabrics that are going to start arriving VERY soon. Yes, NEW fabrics, that's what I said. But before we can show those, we have to clean out some old sewing patterns and even some older fabrics that we have left over from our destash that we started in June. Please help us clean out our shop by visiting us on Etsy and viewing the items on pages 7, 8, 9, or 10. If it has the word SALE at the beginning of the listing title, it has been marked down 10%! I've put more than 40 items on sale, many for less than $5!! (Such as this, or this, or this.) Remember, we will combine as much as possible into one shipping envelope or box, so make the most of your shipping cost by purchasing multiple items! And while you're visiting, we wouldn't mind at all if you want to peruse the items on the front page that are the most recently listed fabrics that we picked up last Monday at the Moda warehouse. Yes, we made the 5 hour (each way) drive to go up to the warehouse so we could stock up on some basic solids that will coordinate nicely with the new fabrics we have coming in, as well as some prints we just couldn't say no to. As you are looking at the newer items, you might notice that the title says "YARDAGE AVAILABLE" and then the listing description says something about another website. It's true, we are expanding a little to allow you all to purchase more than just one yard, or as much as we might feel like listing, at a time. Our other site, that I like to call our sister site, is set up as an e-commerce shopping cart specifically so you can purchase yardage from the bolt! (Because who can ever just buy ONE yard?) We hope to expand it later to include more patterns and even kits, but at the moment we're trying to keep it up to date with the yardage listings as we list the fabrics on Etsy. So, please stop by and if you do decide to buy something, mention that you heard about the SALE from this blog (or from a friend who read this blog) and we'll send you an extra surprise with your order, how about that!? Gee, is that enough links for you? If you click on any of the links you should see some of the items I've picked out and think are hidden gems within our shop. Well, I hope you'll have fun visiting our shop(s) and that even if you aren't able to purchase something at the moment, you'll keep us in mind (and your favorites list) for future gifts for friends or projects for yourself. Until next time.

Happy Stitches to You,
Anna and Regina
The Crafty Girls

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Winner Is...

Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the delay in posting the giveaway winner. Well, says that the winner is commenter number 3 which is Deb! Please send me your address and I'll send out the 1/2 yard of Merry and Bright to you straight away. Don't forget, our blog is moving over to our new website which is I'll post this over there and from now on, you'll need to check that site/blog for updates. I've also created a page where you can see the current listings from our shop so it's all in one place, isn't that so cool!? See you on the flip side!

Happy Stitches,
Anna and Regina
The Crafty Girls Workshop

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weebly Rocks!

I just spend a couple of hours and created an ENTIRE website!! I am sooo excited. You can't even believe how easy it was and I am so proud of myself. So, Crafty Girls Workshop officially has a website and it even has our Etsy store integrated and the blog as well. So, that means that we'll be moving over there pretty soon. This will make it easier on everyone, just visit one address and you can get to our blog, store information, class information (when we have some) and the Etsy store. There is a post on the blog over ther already as a short welcome. It's pretty late right now so I'll figure the rest of the stuff out tomorrow, but if you are in a country where it's not late and you feel like visiting, please do so. The FREE website creator site is called Weebly (no idea where that name came from) and I found out about it from a post on one of the e-mail groups I'm on. I am so glad I checked into her post, because there is nothing more satisfying than creating something from scratch and with very little frustration. Thanks for stopping by. Oh, and I'll post the giveaway Fabric Winner tomorrow too!

Happy Stitches,