
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weebly Rocks!

I just spend a couple of hours and created an ENTIRE website!! I am sooo excited. You can't even believe how easy it was and I am so proud of myself. So, Crafty Girls Workshop officially has a website and it even has our Etsy store integrated and the blog as well. So, that means that we'll be moving over there pretty soon. This will make it easier on everyone, just visit one address and you can get to our blog, store information, class information (when we have some) and the Etsy store. There is a post on the blog over ther already as a short welcome. It's pretty late right now so I'll figure the rest of the stuff out tomorrow, but if you are in a country where it's not late and you feel like visiting, please do so. The FREE website creator site is called Weebly (no idea where that name came from) and I found out about it from a post on one of the e-mail groups I'm on. I am so glad I checked into her post, because there is nothing more satisfying than creating something from scratch and with very little frustration. Thanks for stopping by. Oh, and I'll post the giveaway Fabric Winner tomorrow too!

Happy Stitches,

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