
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Giveaway, Already!? (Times 9)

Well, guess what? It turns out that one of my favorite bloggers and my FAVORITE stitchery pattern designer from Australia, Jenny of ELEFANTZ, has just joined/launched a group of 9 quilt and stitchery pattern designers! They call themselves the Gum Nut Designers and their little group is called Among the Gum Trees (since they are all from Australia)! I think this is absolutely fabulous because I just love Australian designers for their quilts, patterns, fabrics, stitcheries, everything! I love their view of this wonderful genre of crafting. SOOO, they have one blog where all 9 of them are going to publish FREE patterns at different times as well as inform us of updates to their shops when they have new patterns to sell. And to celebrate their launch? They are ALL hosting giveaways! That's 9 different giveaways you can enter! Just visit the Among the Gum Trees blog and read about all of them and their giveaways. Then visit each of the individual blogs to learn about their giveaways too. OK, did you figure that out!? So I hope you have fun reading the new blogs and saying hello to all the designers and getting to enter the giveaways. Please help spread the word about them by posting on your blogs too!
Happy Stitches,

P.S. Ideas for homemade gifts in the next post, stay tuned...
P.P.S. Jodi from Pleasant Home posted a little feature about our shop today because we decided to post an ad on her blog. She has such sweet things to say about us, so please stop by there too!

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