
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Got Yardage?

Lately, I've really promoted our store on That is where we started this little venture of ours called Crafty Girls Workshop. It seems, though, that we're sort of outgrowing the Etsy world and we'd really like to make it easier for you to purchase multiple yards at a time, and for us to keep track of it in an online inventory. Given all this, we found a wonderful place to call home, but the move is sort of bumpy at the moment because we know we get A LOT of exposure on Etsy. Now, this is probably more than you really want to know, but I want to be open and honest with everyone who wants to purchase fabric, patterns, and kits from us. We've had this shop set up for about a month, but we always seem to mention it second, after telling everyone about our Etsy store. Yesterday we met with a sales rep and ordered A LOT of awesome fabrics, all on the bolt! That means that it will be even more important for us to be able to sell multiple yards at a time and keep track of it all. So, announcing the GRAND RE-OPENING of our online store called...

The address for this wonderful store is How easy is that!! Please, check us out, click on the contact link and drop us a note to say hi and let us know what you think. That address is a lot easier to remember than the Etsy store, although we still have a lot of great stuff over there too. So, can you help me out a little by telling your friends about our "new" store? Very soon we will be listing at least 20 more bolts of fabric and new precuts are going to arrive very soon. Oh, and not to mention that we're going to Quilt Market in October! If you like our new location in cyberspace, please feel free to grab our badge and add it to your blog. Here is the badge.
Just right click and choose Save Image As and then insert it into your sidebar (and please link it to our shop or this blog.) If you do this and tell me you did, I would be so excited that I'd be happy to send you something special as a thank you. I'm not trying to get free advertising here, but I believe in helping each other out. What do you think? Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy shopping in our new home on the web.

Happy Stitches to You,


  1. Congrats on the new 'home'. It looks great. I'm happy to pop it on my blog...Ilove reading your blog!...

  2. Hey Anna - cute badge!!! I added to my blog for you!!

  3. Congrats on your new home on the web! Outgrowing Etsy sounds like a huge accomplishment. Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm checking out your sisters now. :) Happy Sunday!
