
Monday, November 23, 2009

Do You have Unfinished Quilts?

If you have any quilt tops that you are looking to send to a better home, you should definately check out this blog: They are looking for unfinished tops or even quilts that just need binding to finish and donate to children in the Portland, Oregon area. Given how incredibly generous quilters are, I thought I'd post this in case you are doing some Christmas time cleaning. This is not my personal cause, I just read about it on a blog that I read on a regular basis. I know there are so many great places to donate tops and quilts to, so here's another one for your list. Thanks! Please, please feel free to post about this on your own blogs and share with other groups and your e-mail friends or quilt guilds. Let's just flood her with quilty love! I was so touched by the description of this project. I don't live in a very cold climate and I know that when it's just barely in the 40s it's tough so I am sure that being in freezing temperatures is even worse. Children are our most precious asset and we should protect them, especially because they do not have the ability or means to take care of themselves. I hope you'll help me pass on the word. If you do find some tops you'd like to send to her, I'd really love to hear about it and I think it would encourage others, would you please leave a comment here letting us know? Thanks!
Happy Stitches,


  1. Well said! Thank you so much for spreading the word! With the state of the economy its so rough out there. I was just shocked when they announced that our little part of the world had the highest unemployment rate - specifically the county I live in. Every little bit (or quilt in this case) helps!

  2. Thank you for letting us know about this project! I'll send a quilt top out and have posted a button on my blog :)
    Laurie in Maine
