
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Charm Pack Winner!

Thanks to everyone who joined in our Sale-bration! It was so exciting to see our list of new blog followers and Facebook fans growing so much every day! I hope you will all keep in touch, because I have some great plans for this blog. There will be a lot more posts and they will actually have more substance than just what's new or on sale in the shop. BUT I think that's all I'm going to say for now about that. Without further ado...(drumroll please) the winner is:

Commenter Number 73 JILL!

Jill if you're reading this, I'll be in touch this afternoon to get your snail mail address so I can send that Aster Manor charm pack on to you. Oh, and by the way everyone, I guess as a sort of side effect of this giveaway, we've had a sort of run on our charm packs! We're down to just 3 of the Rouenneries line remaining and 3 of Simple Abundance. If either of those were your picks you might want to go grab them before they are GONE!! These were very difficult lines to get in stock so once we're out, that's it. The GOOD news is that we have some ULTRA cute fabrics coming in very soon that I really can't wait to tell you about. I hope you have a Terrific Tuesday!

Happy Stitches to You,



  1. Wohooooooooooooooo Congragulations Jill. :)

    And thank you very much Anna, for bringing us a truly delightful giveaway.

    Your blog is a real treat, and I shall be returning. :)

  2. Dang I wanted to win :-) Thanks for commenting on my silverware post. Let me know if you make some I would love to see them.
    P.S. I love your background...those are my colors!

  3. I am so excited Anna! Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway.

    I look forward to your future blog goodies

  4. Hey Anna!! In response to your comment in one of my blogging tips posts you would link the graphic to another page. Well, first I would definitely add the "Labels" gadget to your sidebar. Once you do that, all of the tags you put at the bottom of your posts will be filed under labels. Follow so far? Once you have labels your readers will be able to click on a label and all of your posts for that particular label will show up. For example: If you give all of your sewing tutorials the label "tutorial" then when someone clicks on "tutorial" in your labels gadget in your sidebar, all of your tutorials will show up. Then you'd copy the link in your url space at the top of your browser and then link that to your graphic. Does that make sense?? lol I feel like I'm butchering the explanation. lol Feel free to email me at thegirlcreative{at} for help. :)
