
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Merry SITSmas to All and to All a Good Time

I hope everyone has TONS of fun hopping around blogland today! I wish I could join you but as it turns out, I have to work at my day job, bummer! Maybe I can catch up a little after work while I'm waiting for our cable guy to come and replace our box. A few weeks ago, the SITS girls informed me that Crafty Girls Workshop would be featured on SITSmas so I am so thrilled! I hope that we get a lot of fun comments and new followers and visitors. I believe that also means we're participating in the Giveaway that they mentioned, but I am not completely sure of the details. Just know that it's something very cool from our shop. I hope everyone is having prettier weather than we're having here in San Antonio, Texas. It's chilly, drizzly, and altogether just depressing. It's one day I'm actually happy I don't have a window in my office! So, I hope that if you stop by and leave me some comment love that you'll answer one little question for me:

Are you making gifts for anyone this year?

This could be baking, or putting together a mix for cookies in a jar (I love that one), or letting your kids decorate the wrapping paper, I want to know what you are doing! If you aren't making gifts, have you found some great deals somewhere that you can share? (I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet.) Thanks so much for stopping by and Merry SITSmas!

Oh, and if you have NO IDEA what the heck SITSmas is and just happened to come by today by accident, I recommend you check out the SITS blog. They are a great group of women who will always make you feel good with their blog recommendations or their comments.

Happy Stitches to You,

P.S. I forgot to mention that if you DO decide to purchase something from our shop anytime this month, please add Merry SITSmas to the message to seller and we'll add a little something extra in with your purcahse. Thanks!!



    Great website! My husband is making most of the gifts this year (he does ceramics and photography) so I'm pretty lucky. Although I attempt to be creative and do things for him and my daughter. :)

    Enjoy your day!

  2. I learned to crochet earlier this year so I'm making a bunch of gifts this Christmas!

    Merry SITSmas!

  3. Oh, drizzly weather is the worst! It is all dreary and gloomy and FREEZING! I hope it turns sunshiney soon! Congrats on getting to be the SITS featured blogger of the day. How cool will that be : )? I am going to be a fan of yours on facebook right this second!

  4. Happy SITSmas! Just heading over to your shop now :)

  5. I like to craft so I am tickled to find you and your site. :) Merry SITSmas!

  6. Yes that is a bummer. I actually get a moment to sit down and hop around'll be missed...Merry Sitsmas my friend. New follower:)

  7. MERRY SITMAS! Evidently I have quite a few SITS people in my own dashboard....
    Just visiting them all today. Or I will try!

    I also hope you and your loved ones have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS this year....
    I hope you take stop time and enjoy the merriment of the season...;)

  8. Sorry the weather is so yucky there still. We are still having drizzle but at least it is 70 degrees.
    This year I am making my kids quilts for Christmas and making cookies for the neighbors and friends, other than that I didn't get a good enough start to make all my gifts. Maybe next year :)

  9. I'm not much of a crafter...but we do draw names, just hubs and the kids and I and make something for that person. I have NO IDEA what I'm making this year though.

    I'm visiting you from my SITS day, but i was already over here this morning. Merry SITSmas.

  10. I think I am actually going to make something this year and give it as a gift. I found a receipt for Peppermint Bark over at A Nut In A Nutshell blog that looks super easy and super great. I think it'll make a good little gift!

    Wishing you a very merry SITSmas!

  11. Yes, there was a fabric jelly roll giveaway...too bad I missed out on it :-( Merry SITSmas Day though!

  12. Merry SITSmas! The only gifts I am making this year are video scrapbooks for family.

  13. I have not forgot about you, I still plan to take a look and provide observations, got your email in my inbox still! Sorry I am late, but I am making my way through the entire SITSmas list, I want to visit everyone to wish everyone happy holidays! So Merry SITSmas!

  14. Love the fabrics in your Esty, added you to my fav's :) Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day it is nice to meet you. Have a wonderful holiday season :)
