
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Yes, it's almost that time again. Time to say goodbye to 2009 and ring in the new year of 2010. I just finally got used to writing 2009 and now it's going to change! Personally, my main quilting resolution for the new year is to actually QUILT some of my quilt tops. I've managed to get several quilt tops done this year, but I always put the quilting off until later. So, even if it means biting the bullet and taking my quilt tops to a long arm shop and renting the machine, I really want to get them quilted, maybe in 2011, I'll work on the bindings. :-) I want to improve my machine quilting skills and there is a fabulous blog that I've been following that is super inspiring. Leah Day is working to design and post 365 different quilting designs to her blog! I've signed up to get a once-a-week update to my e-mail about the designs she's posted on the blog. It's a great reminder that I can go and see the new designs. I'd encourage anyone interested in any sort of machine quilting to check it out. She posts great short videos showing how to complete each design. I have some other resolutions for this blog and the Crafty Girls Shop but you'll have to wait to see those in the new year. So, anyone else out there thinking of quilting resolutions for the new year? Or are you still working hard on preparations for Christmas and the holidays? I guess I'm not as wrapped up (no pun intended) in the activities because I'm not hosting any family this year and we don't have any kids so we don't quite get into the spirit as much as some do. It is fun to read about what other people do to prepare though. I'd love to hear about your holidays and if you have any resolutions for 2010. Until next time.

Happy Stitches to You,

1 comment:

  1. Great resolutions, good luck with them, and Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

