
Monday, January 18, 2010

Craft Hope for Haiti

Craft Hope for Haiti Shop Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time

This is one of the reasons I LOVE the Internet and the generosity of quilters and crafters everywhere. A wonderful person name Jade, who happens to live only around an hour away from me in Austin, started a project a long time ago called Craft Hope. She's given her time and resources many times over and this time she's done it again. In an effort to respond to the devestation in Haiti she and some other blogger friends have opened an Etsy shop to raise money for Doctors without Borders who are on the ground in Haiti. What did they put in the shop? Items made by sooo many generous crafters and quilters out there! And apparently, the donations are still rolling in, so many in fact that there is a 24 hour turn around time to get things posted! And get this--this shop has raised over $7000 in 48 hours for Haiti!!! Isn't that amazing!! If you'd like to know more, go and read her words about what is going on. She lovingly shares the goings on behind the scenes of Craft Hope on her blog. What totally bowls me over is that Jade just had a baby three or four months ago and yet she selflessly gives of her time. I am sure they would still appreciate more donations of items or just to have you stop by the shop and purchase something. This is truly amazing and I'm so glad that I have found it. I went through my usual list of about 15 blogs I check almost every day and about 10 of them had the blue button you see at the top of this post on their blogs too. Please help spread the word. If you check the Craft Hope blog, scroll down a bit and you can grab the code for the button to post on your blog too. Let's set the Internet on fire with Craft Hope for Haiti!

NOTE: Crafty Girls Workshop will be donating this tote bag for the Craft Hope for Haiti shop. They said there is a 24 hour turnaround time on the listings so check back tomorrow for the link!

EDIT: The link is live now! Click the picture or either of the underlined words above to go to the Craft Hope for Haiti shop and see the bag. They're approaching having raised $10,000 woohoo!!

Happy Stitches to You,


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