
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Giveaway Inspiration

The winner is April! April, if you see this please e-mail me with your mailing address. I'll attempt to contact you through blogger as well.

EDITED: Becky, (Lori is the one who is adopting the kids) over at Babes in Hairland really inspired me today. I don't have the ability to donate in a monetary way to children in Haiti or Doctors without Borders, but I do have an abundant stash of fabrics (part of the reason Crafty Girls Workshop was born). I dug into my stash and found something that I think could help Haiti, in a minor way. My philosophy is that if many people do one small thing, it will become one HUGE thing. Does that make sense? I think Craft Hope for Haiti is a perfect example. OK so here's the deal. I've decided that I want to offer a way to potentially reward you for commenting on Becky's blog and helping to spread the word about it. I want to give you some of my stash. It's 34 squares, precut to 5"x5", I know 34 is a strange number. It's a charm pack that I had, called Look and Learn by American Jane, I opened it and layed out the charms with the hopes of making an apron, but then put them away and changed my mind. I know I started with 40 charms, but I only have 34 left, I believe I may have made them into pin cushions for a giveaway awhile back. But still, 34 should be plenty to make an apron or a tote bag. I also want to include 1 yard of coordinating fabric from the same line. This fabric is NOT readily available to fabric stores right now. If there is any around, it is probably difficult to find. Here are a couple of pictures, I tried my best to include all the squares in the scan, sorry if a few of them are crooked.

The 34 Charms
1 yard coordinating fabric
I'll keep this opportunity open until February 2nd which is when Becky said she will donate the money based on the number of comments. She said you can comment once per day, so consider going back tomorrow to comment too. Here's how to enter the giveaway for this fabric and charm pack:
  • Stop by Becky's blog (1x per day) and leave her a comment
  • Come back here and tell me you did that
  • Tweet about the Coins for Comments (and tell me you did)
  • Post about it on Facebook (tell me you did)
  • Blog about it on your blog (tell me you did)

You'll get one entry for each comment you leave here about each of those items. I'd be so thrilled to get lots and lots of comments so I know that somehow I'm helping in a little way too! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

Happy Crafting,



  1. I went to Lori's blog and commented. I am sorry that from my country (Sri Lanka) I cannot help in a more concrete fashion. My prayers are with the family and with all the children in the orphanage.

  2. I am praying for the Rosenlof family. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  3. My thoughts are with this family. Commented on Lori's blog. I am praying for a happy ending for them.

  4. I commented on Lori's blog. How very sad. I hope they find their little girl...she is a beauty.

  5. I posted a link to Lori's blog on my facebook

  6. I left a comment. Thank you so much for letting us know about this!

  7. Left a comment on Lori's blog on January 24th.

  8. Left a comment on Lori's blog on today (January 25th).

  9. Thanks so much for doing this. You're so awesome. One correction though -- I'm Becky - "The Mom @ BIH" and Lori is a friend of my SIL. Lori is trying to get money too of course, on her blog for the orphanage and such - and I'm just trying to get as much $ earned for them personally via people commenting. Hope that makes sense. I'm sorry if I confused you and made you think I was Lori! But her blog and stuff is linked on Babes in Hairland too! You are right though, if lots of people join together, big things can happen. So thank you for joining in my small effort! You're the best!

  10. i left a comment on her blog yesterday, i hope they will be ok.

  11. Hi! I totally understand about wanting to help. I think it is a great idea you have and the fabric is adorable. I can't donate a whole lot either so with the help of my daughter's teacher, their kindergarten class is taking up a collection to give to Lori & Brent. I have left a message on Becky's blog everyday.

  12. I left a comment on Lori's blog today. Hope they'll be together soon

  13. I tweeted

  14. WOW! Awesome. I left her a comment, I twittered, facebooked and blogged. :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Happy Saturday SITS sharefest! I went on over and left a comment.

    I don't have much time to be crafty these days but you can be in my tribe! Come on over to Leigh vs Laundry, it's super fun over there!
