
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love for Haiti, a Quilt Auction

Anita K. If you are out there, please e-mail me You had the highest bid for the Haiti Quilt! Thanks!

The Crafty Girls were, of course, very touched by the tragedy in Haiti. We both reacted in our own ways. I, being the techy-girl that I am reached out to people through this blog and by commenting on other blogs and found out about Craft Hope for Haiti. Then, after talking to Regina we decided to donate a tote bag to the Craft Hope for Haiti shop and amazingly, it sold within one day! Regina, being the wonderful, sweet person that she is, decided to make a quilt so that we could try auctioning it off here on our blog, and send all the money to Doctors Without Borders. She made the sweetest, softest, cutest quilt and if I had a baby girl, I'd snatch it up before she could blink. Or at least make her make another one for me. As it turns out, she used a pattern we have in our shop and fabrics we have in our shop!! Here is a picture of the quilt:

Isn't this quilt just adorable? Regina used the Bundle Up Baby Girl quilt pattern from Cotton Way and she told me over and over how incredibly easy this pattern was! She said it was her first time doing the quilt-as-you-go method and it's very clever. The best part about this quilt, besides the soft, feminine colors of the Mill House Inn fabrics, is that it has raw edges which fray when washed so it comes out even softer and cuddly-er.

Here you can see the detail of the fraying, how cute!
This is the back, not only is the fabric very cute, but the quilting is great!
Regina and I would like to offer this 41" x 42" baby quilt up for auction, here on our blog. I've never hosted an auction on a blog before but I've seen it done around blogland. I think the way it will work is this: I'd like to start the bidding at $75 (USD). If you'd like to bid $75, please leave a comment. Each person who'd like to bid higher to bid on this quilt, please leave another comment. You should be able to see a progression of the bidding going up throughout the comments (or that's our hope at least). And if you REALLY can't live without this quilt, please feel free to bid again. Remember that the money will be donated to Doctors Without Borders toward the relief effort in Haiti. The bidding will remain open until Valentine's Day, February 14th at 12:00noon CST. At that point, I'll close bidding/comments and notify the highest bidder. We'll send you a Pay Pal invoice and then pass the money (minus shipping costs) on to DWB. If you are unable to bid, please just pass on the word about this auction and help us spread the Love for Haiti around the blogosphere and twitterland and facebookworld. I've even created a little badge you can add to your posts or even to your sidebar to help spread the word! Here it is, just copy and paste the code below the image into an HTML gadget on your sidebar and you should be able to share the Love for Haiti.

Thanks so much, and I'm sure that the Doctors without Borders and people in Haiti thank you as well!
Happy Bidding,

Anna and Regina
The Crafty Girls


  1. Wow - what a wonderful thing to do! Glad I found you - now following from Friday Follow.

  2. Oh, that is beautiful! What a great cause!

    I can only do VERY simple quilts...but maybe one day! :)


  3. I am new follower for Friday Follow.

  4. Happy FF, I am already a follower of yours!

  5. I can't see where anyone has bid, so I am happy to bid $75.

  6. This is great!

    Stopping by from Fri Follows - I'm a new follower. Love to have you stop by:

  7. Visiting from Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower! Love for you to come visit me :)

    Have a great weekend!
