
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spill the (Jelly) Beans Sunday

Well, next week is Easter! Wow, where does the time go? I spent a WONDERFUL day and a half out at Regina's on Friday and Saturday and I must say it was very productive. I finished an ENTIRE quilt top (except the borders since I need more fabric, oh darn) and most of a second top, isn't that amazing!? Have any of you ever heard of Tip Nut? It is an AWESOME website and I get daily e-mails with all sorts of links to great tips. Yesterday's was a crafty roundup of various spring, Easter, bunny, and chicky crafts! They called it Easter Extravaganza. I find that their links are a great way to find new crafty blogs (as if I need more to read). But I've also used one of their links to plans for an outside planter for a salad garden, I sent the link to my dad (who is in love with his new table saw) and he made one for me by the next weekend! Oh, and they had some suggestions for cleaning out your microwave and it actually inspired me to do it and it worked and now my microwave is CLEAN! I just printed out this template for a bunny applique which I'm planning to use on a couple of onesies. I love that it includes a flower and an egg shape. The printed shape was actually a bit smaller than I wanted to so I enlarged it by 150% on my printer. Alright, that's the weekend update, ready for Spill the (Jelly) Beans Sunday?

Just one question this week (because if I keep asking 6 questions I'll run out of ideas!):

In the comments below, please answer the following question, then add your blog to the McLinky.

Are you working on any Spring or Easter-ish crafts in your household? Please do tell!
If you aren't, please tell us what you ARE working on at the moment.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Have fun on the Bloggy Bunny Hop!

Happy Stitches,


  1. I did my tablescape for Easter a while back, but right now I'm working on transforming some styrafoam balls into decorative balls. After that it's some spring/summer outfits for a friend's daughter!

  2. I am making some magnets, for a magnet swap. Also, a necklace, a headband & possibly a ring...

  3. No crafts over here as I am allergic to crafts :)

  4. I will get more crafty someday I promise. For now planting counts, right?

    Cooking too right? I promise to take a pic of the Butter Brickle cake I make for moms BDay and post it.

  5. Craft wise, I'm 100% focused on my upcoming Etsy shop!

  6. Good job on the quilt top! Isn't it great to be productive on a project?
    Craftwise, I'm sewing up a storm for my girls Easter dresses...
    Got one done and working on the 2nd.

  7. Thanks for stopping by! Crochet is surprisingly easy. Youtube is always great when you're learning or if you forget a stitch :-) I made an Easter bunny for my son and I'm probably going to crochet a light blanket for either us or my parents.

    Just Like June

  8. Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! Oh my, I am completely not creative or able to knit, crochet or sew but admire anyone who can.

    Have a wonderful weekend

  9. Stopping in from SITS!!
    Crafts.. hmm.. not so much we have been starting our garden, playing in the sprinkler, playing outside and enjoying winter being OVER! :) Oh and my kiddo's sprouted and planted some beans that are growing amazingly fast!
