
Friday, April 30, 2010

Friendly Friday and Catching Up (Again)

So I've been a little busy lately, duh, when is anyone ever NOT busy? Since I actually managed to get a new job that starts on MONDAY (gulp) I've been trying to get my house in order before I'm gainfully employed and unable to spend all my time cleaning house (yeah right). Yesterday was the second half of a wholecloth quilt class I took at one of my Local Quilt Shops (LQS). This quilt and quilting technique is just simply AWESOME! Guess what? After only two morning classes and some mad quilting in between, I've got a FINISHED quilt! Want to see?
Here it is in all it's crinkly goodness. I LOVE this quilting technique, the result looks like PLAID! Isn't that sew cool? Hmm, did I mention this before or anything? Oh, and yes, I used ALL that thread I showed in my other post. Here are some more fun pictures of the quilt.
Close up of the binding and piping, plus the back!

A far away shot, sort of

So  now that I'm done tooting my horn about this quilt, here's a question:
Would you like me to create a tutorial about this technique? It's TOTALLY easy! It's two pieces of fabric, 1 1/2 yd each and some for the binding and piping. That's pretty much it for the materials, how cool is that!?

Please let me know if you want me to do a tutorial, because if so, I'll probably have to make another one (OH DARN) in order to photograph the process. Oh, and I figured out a sort of nifty faux mitered corner technique for the binding. (Very proud of myself about that) Did I mention that this quilt is done ENTIRELY on the machine? Even the binding!

OK, enough about me. What are y'all up to today? I think I'm going to try to work on my sewing room spruce up some more, but later.

I'm linking today's post up to the usual Friendly Friday linky parties. See sidebar for links.
Happy Stitches,


  1. Your quilt is beautiful!!! :) I love the colors. :)

  2. Oh and good luck with your last couple of days at home, before trotting back to work. I suppose you're feeling equal parts of dread and excitment.

  3. A whole cloth quilt sounds good, and yours looks lovely ...Please please post a tutorial. And that quilting looks like something I could do without major incident and copious amounts of profanity.

    Maybe I could even finish this- I seem to be having trouble getting things finished at the moment.

  4. That's a beautiful quilt! I love tutorials, so if you would like to do one, I would say, Yes, definitely do it! I am following you from Follow Friday. I blog to encourage and mentor women, wives and moms along the way. Topics like Hospitality, Recipes, Child-Training, Love and Marriage...Please come and visit my blog sometime!
    Faith's Firm Foundation

  5. Hi, over from SITS!

    That is one beautiful quilt! I am so jealous. I can't even sew. Are you excited to be going back to work? The key is all in the balance and breathing because sometimes that's all you can do, is breathe.

    Today we are up to exciting things. We are going up to bring back our oldest child from her first year of college. We'll have our girl back for the whole summer. Can't wait.

  6. Hi, Anna, just returning your SITS Saturday Sharefest visit. Wow, that is a beautiful quilt! I would love to know how to do it, but it would probably take the rest of my life. I can't believe how fast you work!

  7. Love the quilt! Following you from Friday Follow...a day late!!
    Stop by sometime (and follow along, too!)
    Jennifer @ The Craft Barn

  8. Oh so cute! Yes Yes Yes I would LOVE a tutorial on this technique. I am following from New Friend Friday!

  9. Love those colors - maybe a tutorial will give me the push I need to jump into quilting. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday!
