
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spill the Beans Sunday

True Confessions of a Crafty Blog-aholic

Hello, my name is Anna and I am ADDICTED to crafty blogs! So I finally figured out how to use Google Reader. Not that I didn't really know how to use it, just that I forgot it existed. Turns out ALL the blogs I've ever chosen to follow for ANY reason whatsoever have been logged on my Google Reader account! That means that when I log in to my account I can see them, ALL the Crafty Blogs I've sorted into the Crafty Blogs group are now nicely organized and I can read new post after new post after new post and go on a linky crafty world spree! So, I was working on reading all the 300+ NEW posts (seems I forgot about it again for a day or two) and in the mean time I found oh, four or five NEW blogs to add to my reader! That means that for every two or three new posts I actually read, I was adding another new blog with more NEW posts! Crazy!! Now, it's a good thing I'm doing this at the odd hours of the morning because if it was during the day I would REALLY feel like I was wasting time. But at this time of the morning, when the dogs are sleeping, hubby is sleeping, it's just me and the world of crafty blogs, hmm, I can get lost in inspiration!

But wait...There's MORE!

I have another confession:

I was organizing the shelves where I store most of my fabric and projects and I FOUND fabric I actually FORGOT I had! Is that horrible!? (Or just normal for a fabric-a-holic like me) I actually FOUND a few layer cakes from lines I REALLY love! I also found some charm packs and lots of patterns I had sort of just stuffed on the shelf for some odd reason. So, now that I've finished with folding the bigger pieces of fabric, I'm working on the declutter and actually sorting stuff in my Spring Studio Spruce Up. I hope that very soon I'll have some pictures to show you of my uber organized Spruced Up Sewing Space.

Your turn to SPILL THE BEANS!

What is YOUR addiction?

Fabric, beads, buttons, scrapbook paper, all of the above?

(Oh, don't get me started on my scrapbook paper addiction!)

Please share in the comments, you can post anonymously, don't worry, we won't tell your significant other.

Just remember: What happens on Crafty Girls Workshop Blog stays on Crafty Girls Workshop blog (unless you want us to share!)

Happy Stitches,


  1. Anna, you are too funny!! Yes, Google Reader is addictive. I feel the need to make sure I've "cleared" my reader everyday. If I don't then I get WAY too behind on my "crafty" are in my reader.....that's how I am commenting on your post :-).

    I'm with you on fabric - I LOVE it!! There are always so many new designs that are coming out that I feel I need for my etsy shop. Too much fun!! Right now I'm trying to get organized like you, so I can actually see everything I have.

    Thanks for the post - I can totally relate!!


  2. My addiction is anything from Target's Dollar Spot....or anything at all from Target, really. ;) The problem with blogging is that you find one blog that you love that leads to another that leads to another. ;)

  3. I am totally addicted to beads (Troll and Pandora, mainly) and letters/cards/invitations, etc. I can't throw one away so I have boxes and boxes. Don't get as many these days, though.

    My latest addiction is buttons. My Dad called me "Button" when I was little and I guess I am feeling sentimental lately : )

    I love fabric but never learned to sew...not too late, though. Found your blog through WWC - lovely!

  4. I used to be addicted to shopping for clothes and shoes but since becoming a SAHM and learning how to sew I am now a major fabric addict! That and craft blogs! ;-)
    I really liked your folding fabric tutorial, my sewing room is in dire need of some tidying! Oh, and I need to get on top of my google reader... so much to do, so little time.

  5. Oh, I am so addicted to my google reader! I do wish there was a was to comment on a post without loading the actual blog (maybe there is and I just haven't found it yet!).

    Another addiction I have is the remnant bin at Hobby Lobby. Or Joann's. Or any other fabric store :).

  6. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and offering a reward:) My e-mail is iwat09 et

  7. You've inspired me! I'm going to go learn google reader.

  8. My husband calls himself a Crafter Widower... he's funny!

  9. Don't know what my problem is, but I hoard things. I buy and 'save' for that someday day, but it never comes or if it does I go buy more?
    and I so know what you mean about reading more and more blogs! If I spent the time sewing instead of reading, I COULD start an etsy shop or something! But I like to see what everyone is up to and what's new out there!
