
Friday, April 9, 2010

Super Saturday Sale!!

Hello Betty!

We're having a CRAZY SUPER SATURDAY SALE!! We want to sell ALL of the three bolts of fabric we have shown above. It's currently dropped to a super duper low....

$6.00 a yard!
Shipping and tax charges apply
Tell your friends! Twitter it, Facebook it, blog it! If we sell EVERY yard of this fabric between now, Saturday April 10 and next Saturday, April 17, we will give away something that is totally cute and fits with the retro theme! To enter, just leave a comment here for each of the following items you've done:
1) Leave a comment to say you're going shopping!
2)Blog about this
3)Buy fabric (one entry for EVERY yard you buy!)
4)Tweet about it
5)Tell your Facebook friends
Happy Stitches and Happy CrAzY SaTurDaY SALE!!!


  1. Just wanted to share with you that you are our pick for Marketing Mondays Featured Sponsor. Come by and link up too! Thanks for linking up last week.

    We love your blog and think you need a Trendy Blog Award. Make sure you grab one when you stop by!!!

    Tara @ Trendy Treehouse

  2. I'm your newest follower from Marketing Mondays with Trendy Treehouse!

  3. Happy Monday! Stopping by from MM! glad to be able to meet up!

  4. Beautiful fabrics and I am stopping by from Marketing Monday!

  5. Hey, I just found you via SITS!

    This fabric is awesome! I'm about to go shopping! :)

  6. love these

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
