
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Coming Soon to an Inbox Near You...

Yes, I know, it's cheesy, what can I say? I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to join the Crafty Girls Workshop e-mail newsletter list. You might think "Oh great, just what I need, another SPAMMY message cluttering up my inbox." But just hear me out. Look at the reasons you should join the list:
  • E-mails are sent monthly and only as we see necessary to update you, not every other day, we won't clutter your inbox
  • It's super easy to sign up (just put your e-mail address in the sign up box)
  • It's easy to unsubscribe if you feel we're bugging you too much
  • It helps us send you updates and keep the blog free for tutorials and other fun stuff
  • Newsletter subscribers are the FIRST to find out about montly specials and discounts
  • Newsletter subscribers receive discount codes that are not published on our blog, Twitter, or Facebook accounts
  • If you live in or around San Antonio, TX there is a special announcement group for our face to face CGW meetings hosted at my home
  • We hate SPAM too, and we would NEVER EVER EVER not-in-a-million-years or for a million dollars share your information with ANYONE whatsoever.
Look at all those great reasons! The sign up box is right over there --->
in the right sidebar, at the very top. BUT I'm also going to include one in this message, to make it super duper easy on you. I hope you'll join our e-mail group to get some great updates, coupons, and even a free pattern when you join. Until next time.

Happy Stitches,

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