
Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm So Very Proud

One of my very bestest friends ever, Danny, the dad of three kiddos, just started a blog! I helped him and I think the has a great perspective on parenting since he's an S@HD which means Stay At Home Dad, cute, huh? Please send him some bloggy friendship love and visit his first post over here. The blog is called Diaper Changin' Dad and he fits that description perfectly because two of the three babes are still in diapers! I hope you'll visit him and say hi and if you're a parent and have any questions, you should ask him. Also, if you're interested in posting an ad on his sidebar for a very low cost, please e-mail him at or me at Can you tell I'm his marketing manager? Haha. OK, back to work!

Happy Stitches,
P.S. I'm so proud of him because he only actually "got the Internet" at his house on Wednesday and on Thursday was jumping in to blogland! I suggested the idea of a blog to him and he agrees completely that he does have a unique perspective. So please drop by and tell him I sent ya!


  1. Visiting and following from New Friend Friday! I love to sew, and am just starting out with my mother's old 1960's Viking machine! I can't wait to sew up wonderful things!

    Kudos to your new blogging friend! :o)

    Happy Friday!

  2. I am visiting from new friend friday! I would be glad to have you visit my at

  3. Stopping over from SITS! I'm glad some Dad's are getting in on the blogs too! I'm actually having my husband write a guest post in honor of Father's Day!

  4. Hi, I'm visiting from SITS. I'm surprised I haven't run into you before since we "haunt" some of the same blogs :).

  5. I love to read the guys' perspective on things, so I'll be checking out his new blog. Love the title of your blog. I'm a crafty girl at heart even if I don't get to do it every day. ;-)

    Happy Saturday!

  6. hehe isn't awesome when you can talk one of your friends into blogging? I did that but she barely uses it. Makes me sad.

    Grats to your friend tho! Hope he enjoys it as much as the rest of us do.

  7. I'm your new follower. Hope you follow me back,too. Have a great weekend!
