
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spring Top Week: Final Round!

I've been rather quiet about this when I should have probably been shouting from the rooftops

"It's Spring Top WEEK!!"

We're a sponsor you know! What? You didn't know? You have NO idea what the you-know-what Spring Top Week even IS!!! Well, then you should definitely visit Rae over at Made by Rae to find out all about Spring Top Week! (That link goes to the archives of all the posts about this special week!)

If you DO know that Spring Top Week is all about the excitement of entering your home made/home sewn tops into a competition to win some ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS prizes (and in that mix is 2 yards of fabric from OUR shop!) and you haven't had a chance to vote on the final Top of the Tops, then you best get on over there!!

I think there is already a sort of clear leader at the moment, but I'll let you go over and check it out for yourself.

In OTHER fun and creative news:

I just listed a new KIT for making an adorable patchwork skirt out of charm packs!

I can't wait to try making one of these myself (then I'll have to find some little girl to test it out on.)

So, any fun and exciting sewing plans for the rest of the weekend? Or are you all already snuggled happily in your sewing rooms already instead of chained glued to your computers and Google Readers?

Happy Stitches,

P.S. The irony is that if you answer that last question, it probably means you aren't working in your sewing room!

P.S.S. If you'd like some inspiration for making some ADORABLE dresses for your little girls, check out Brown Paper Packages, she's using the SAME pattern and altering it in some way almost every day for a MONTH! Plus, her little "models" are too cute!
pmm button

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