
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fab Shop Hop Starts Tomorrow!

So, have you registered yet? The Fab Shop Hop starts TOMORROW July 1st! It runs all month and you'll have plenty of time to visit all the shops, find the bunnies and keep searching for amazing fabrics! Of course, you'll come back to OUR shop and buy the most fabric, right? How about this? I'm getting ready to send out the July newesletter and it will have a SUPER duper coupon code for all the subscribers! So, you'd better go and sign up for it, right now!! ------------>

Plus, to register your e-mail so you can claim your entry in the drawings for various gift certificates and MAJOR prizes, you have to visit the Fab Shop Hop website by clicking the bunny below (good practice for the "real hop" tomorrow.)

Come on you need to treat yourself because you've been working so hard this summer taking care of your kids or just plain working, right? Also, since tomorrow is the first day of July we'll have a NEW fabric collection going on special for the ENTIRE month! But you might want to get yours ASAP since we expect to have thousands more visitors and shoppers coming to our site (more than usual) and they might just grab up some of that ----- you'll have to wait to see what it is ---- before you get a chance!

The BIGGEST bonus of shopping online is that we're "open" 24 hours and you can shop in your PJs, and when hubby is sleeping, and kids are sleeping and when the dog is sleeping. If you buy something after midnight (any time zone) it won't "count" against you or your stash, haha. That's my rule at least.

And, stay tuned, because we're going to offer a GREAT new special for July too that might just encourage you to snap up a few more bundles for your collection.

SO, needless to say (although I'll do it anyway) there are A LOT of fun things coming in July! Stay tuned to the blog, Twitter, and Facebook and be sure to sign up for the newsletter for that coupon code!

By the way, if you DO register for the shop hop today (or any day) and visit the shop, PLEASE stop by and add a comment to the Guest Book! You might just get entered into a DRAWING for FREE stuff!!

Winner of the Wacky Website Challenge will be announced tomorrow!

Hoppy Stitches,


How To FabShop Hop
FabShop Hop Registration
Go To List of Shops


  1. Rabbits are a pest in our neck of the woods , however this rabbit hop sounds exciting

  2. Here from The Girl Creative. I am your newest follower! :o) Please follow me back at
