
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sharing Sunday (the post formerly known as Spill the Beans Sunday)

Thanks Graphics Fairy for this great picture!

Hey everyone. It's Sunday! The last day of the weekend. I'm going to try to make the best of my Sunday, how about you? So for today's question:

What project(s) are you working on right now?
Anything exciting?
Any blog posts about it? If so, please link in your comment. 

My next major project is to get that Love You Charm Quilt actually quilted. I never got to it last Monday, what a bummer! It's ready to go I just have to put my mind to it, ya know? My non-sewing project is that today I'm heading over to Regina's how (the other Crafty Girl) and we're going to work on re-photgraphing some of the stuff in our shop. I've heard over and over that the photos you have of your products speak volumes and usually help sell the items, sooo we're going to work on that today. Actually, last time when we brought out alllllllll of our bolts and put them into coordinating groups to photograph for bundles, I had A TON of fun! Today we're going to work on the precuts. I can't wait to see what you say in reply to the question! There are always some really interesting answers.

Happy Stitches,


  1. I have wayyyyyyyy too much on the go as usual.

    1) Circle quilt needs to be quilted
    2) Little P's Quilt needs to be basted/quilted
    3) I'm doing a snowball block quilt Along
    4) We are renovating the kitchen
    5) I am stripping chairs, a desk, a table and a
    Kitchen dresser simultaneously.
    6) I am slowly going insane
    7) I am way too busy to do links . I am patting myself on the back I managed to comment on your post.

    How is work going?

  2. Hi there!
    I found your blog a couple of days ago and enjoy reading it. :)

    Well, projects? I'm taking part in a bag sew along but am still cutting fabric squares. I hate cutting fabric. Wish somebody would give me a hand. ;)

    There are also several knitting projects waiting for me... I'm so lazy at the moment.

  3. I have a list a mile long of what I want to finish up!!

    BUT I just posted about some exciting news about some new creations. I am so excited about our new interactive puzzle messages and am doing a giveaway with them.

    I can't wait to see how your quilt turns out once it is quilted. Good luck!

  4. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have a list of projects to do with my dorm, but I havent started even one of them. I wanna make a hip quilt for the top of my ref with pockets in it. I wanna make some covers for my shoerack, i dont have a closet for shoes in my dorm. I wanna jazz up my storage boxes too.. Ah so many things to do....

  5. our property to on our city's garden tour tomorrow, so I have done nothing creative outside of what needs to be done to prepare for that. Although I did make tufted cushions for an awesome 40's outdoor furniture set. After tomorrow I'll lay in them and read to recover. :)
