
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

FUN Stuff Around Blogland: Tutorials, Giveaways, and More!

I've really been meaning to post some of the CA-UTE stuff I've found around blogland, because sometimes its just easier to live vicariously through others, don't ya think? Especially when life is especially crazy and you just want to see what other people are doing in hopes of becoming inspired!? Well, today is the day I'm finally going to share what I've been gathering. I hope the power stays on long enough to share!

I know I posted about Fat Quarterly before, but TODAY is the day that issue #2 of their e-zine comes out!! It's available RIGHT NOW!!  They've been sooo clever to show sneak previews of the different patterns from within the issue and now I can get my own! So I'm going to get one and then I hope you will too. And nope, I don't get a free issue if I send 10 people over to buy one now, but I wish! I just love their blog and read the blogs of most of the people that write patterns for the e-zine so hey, it has to be good!

Oh and guess what!? On top of the new issue, there is a GIVEAWAY of MODA stuff!! Sadly, we don't have any more Moda in stock at the moment, but you can enter the giveaway at Fat Quarterly and get some of BRAND NEW fabrics that are coming out soon.

Check out Jen over at Tatertots and Jello! Her blog is sooo cute! I just saw her post with an amazing TUTORIAL to make an awesome giant flower for the front of a tote bag! I almost fell off my chair because I went gaga over a very similar style bag the other day that was at least $50 and now I can make my own! And not only that, but with the sale on Michael Miller fabrics over at the shop, I have a lot of cute polka dots and even some cute florals to use for this flower! Yipee!! Thanks Jen! (sorry for all the exclamation points) I think this is a definate yes for adding to your blog reader!
OK, the storm is closing in so I think I need to get off the computer now. But don't forget about the SALE in the shop! Michael Miller fabric (which is ALL our fabric) is on sale for only $7.99 a yard!!
Happy Stitches and Happy Blog Hopping!



  1. Good links!! I saw Jen's bag today and loved it! :)

  2. Thanks for the shout out. I must have missed it the first time. You are so sweet!

