
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tell Me Tuesday

Beautiful Oz bag by Rayetta Nathe

Today I'd like to introduce you all to a new customer and friend of Crafty Girls Workshop who makes some really beautiful bags! Her name is Rayetta Nathe and she recently purchased some fabric from our shop. I've begun asking new customers (and hopefully soon to be new friends) how they found our shop, out of curiousity and an undying desire to figure out how people are getting to us. Turns out we had the fabric she needed for a custom order and the best price. So I surfed over to her website to see the bags she makes and I thought they were very pretty and fun and when I read about her I wanted to introduce her to all of you! I hope that this will be something I can do on a regular basis, sort of give a shout out to the talented people who find us and buy the fabrics we have in order to turn them into something awesome! I just LOVE the way she used the Oz fabric in the bag pictured above! I asked Rayetta how she started sewing and her business and here is her reply.

Raised in a home with all boys, I reluctantly learned to sew in junior high, back when all of the girls were “forced” to take Home Economics. Most of us saw it as a punishment, pining to play volleyball, or take wood shop instead. Our first project was a multi-pocketed apron, which was confusing and frustrating. I didn’t touch a sewing machine again until many years later. I’d just had our first child, and decided to make baby clothes to save money. I ran to Sears and bought a Kenmore sewing machine, never straying beyond the easy patterns.

In 1992, I wanted to make a quilt for baby #2. I purchased a copy of Singer’s book Machine Quilting, followed the instructions, and made my first quilt. I quickly discovered how much I love quilts -- the spectrum of colors, interesting patterns, fluffy battings, and soft, rich cotton fabrics.
In 2008, I began to consider the looming cost of having both of our girls in college. I decided to attend H & R Block School, hoping to eventually land a part-time job to earn some extra income. Meanwhile, I was receiving very positive feedback from fabric bags that I had made for family and friends. My little brother said something to me that caused me to change course: “Rayetta, you’re an artist, not a number cruncher. The bags are more an expression of who you are.” It wasn’t long before I ditched H & R Block, and began designing and selling rayetta’s button bags.
I’m blessed to be able to do what I love. I am so grateful to my supportive husband Jeff, sweet girls Rachel and Becca, and very patient Home Ec teachers.
Thank you, Crafty Girls Workshop, for your gorgeous fabrics and inspirational ideas!
You can find her beautiful bags and some quilts on her website.

Here's another cute bag made from fabric by Chez Moi, their Posh line. We don't have this exact fabric (of course you can always buy Rayetta's bag) but we have something very similar in our bolts of Boutique.

Thanks Rayetta for letting me feature you today! You are very talented and I look forward to working with you more in the future!

If there is anyone else out there who has purchased fabrics, patterns, kits, or anything from our shop and would like to be featured in my Tell Me Tuesday series, please e-mail me and we can discuss the details!

Happy Stitches everyone,


  1. WOW -- I have bag envy at the moment - LOVE the green one at the top!

  2. I love the pink bag! Thanks for visiting me on my blog!
