
Friday, July 16, 2010

Weekend Project Plans?

Anyone out there making plans to work on their projects this weekend or are you just planning to spend some time in the sunshine and not think about all those UFOs you have on your to do list? You know, I love this hobby of mine of making quilts and working on projects because it's not timeline based. If there is a deadline then it feels too much like work. I get to it when I can, and if I can't that's OK because it will still be there when I have the time. A lot of people in blogland have been commenting on that recently and I'm starting to jump in that bandwagon a little. It's slightly different when you have a business and want to make samples and display new fabrics and generate some buzz and enthusiasm but you know, even in the business world sometimes it's worth it to take a step back and re-evaluate if it's "fun" anymore. OK, that sounds sort of ominous. I have lots of plans for this weekend, I have to go to my house and work on finishing up painting the laundry room, the bathroom, maybe the loft, and allll the baseboards and mouldings around doors and windows. Yep, we're going to try to sell our house and these last three weeks have been a whirlwind of painting, carpet ripping, moving, packing, and commuting (I'm staying with family until things get settled). So, in the midst of all that, there hasn't been a lot of time for quilting, except I did work on the Oh How Charming quilt, and I'm working on a second one (Oh I think I mentioned that already). I'd really LOVE to go and get a pedicure or a massage or go shopping, but duty beckons and the house needs work. At least it makes the time I do get to sit and sew even more valuable and more relaxing because it's doing something I really really enjoy. So, tell me, what are YOUR plans for the weekend?

Happy Stitches,


  1. Relaxing, first and foremost--I'm trying NOT to get a cold that's been threatening ;-) Other than that, work on the book and finish up the art for a Character Cocktail that I'm doing in trade for a friend whose a photographer.

  2. First and foremost I want to spend time relaxing with my family. In between all of that family time, I will be working on at least one of my projects. As with any crafter, I have a long list of them.

    I know your pain when it comes to selling a house. In the past 10 years we have moved 4 times and sold a house 3 of those 4 times. My partner's job moves us a lot!

    Good luck on the selling of the house and I hope you are able to find some time to relax and craft.

  3. My project list is very LONG..but it's the weekend with my sweet grand-daughter- Hannah and junkin with my friend next week..I'll get to those projects on my list...YOU GOTTA LIVE right? :-)

  4. I have sooooo many projects I need to work on. But also soooo much relaxing I'd like to do. ;)
