
Friday, September 24, 2010

The Creative Connection NEXT YEAR!

They have just posted the dates for the second ever Creative Connection for next year!!!! I am SEW excited! I am going to save every single penny I find on the street because I WIL NOT miss this event next year! And now that I've posted it to my blog, it has to happen. I'm accountable to you all! Maybe I'll have to have a bake sale to raise money or something. I have lots of fabric for sale, anyone want to buy some and help send  me to the TCC next year? Visit my shop you know the address it's just Crafty Girls Workshop dot com! YippEE Anyone else going to go with me next year?

Happy Stitches,

1 comment:

  1. Anna - I will be there for sure next year too! I wanted to go this year, but it just didn't work out and wasn't right for where my business was. Now I think I am definitely ready and I will NOT miss this again. I was just about to blog about this too......great minds think a like :-).

    Have a great weekend,
