
Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Giveaway Time Again! New Sewing Friend

Well, how cute is this banner! All ready for fall and sew is this giveaway. First, let me introduce you to Michele from the Little Red Cottage Etsy shop! I stumbled upon her shop by clicking a link on Craft Cult (while checking how many hearts my shop items had) and I just fell in LOVE with all the great buttons and trims she had! Then something came to me... "I have people that buy fabric and I bet they would LOVE a great resource for buttons and trim!" So I contacted Michele and I think it was meant to be! She gladly offerred to pair up with me and you can now get to her shop if you pick the Buttons or Trims link from Crafty Girls Workshop! So let's take a look at some of the adorable stuff she has:

                             Ribbons (AQUA!!)
More Dots! Can I have some of that aqua and some of that red please?

Rick Rack!! PRETTY and so many colors to choose from!

Pretty pinky and yellow buttons (that's barely scratching the surface)

 So, are you droooling all over the computer keyboard yet? There is even more goulishly awesome stuff in her shop! And do you want to WIN some of this great stuff!? She has put together an awesome fall assortment of RICK RACK and her Hand dyed Buttons to let me GIVE AWAY for her!! Take a look:

Little Red Cottage Giveaway!
Check that out! 5 different colors of rick rack and TONS of matching buttons!! Yummy!! Fall here I come!!

What do you have to do to enter, I'm sure you want to know. Be sure to LEAVE A COMMENT for EACH ENTRY. And don't forget your contact info. Here are the ways you can enter:

1) Leave a comment here telling Michele and myself what you would DO with all that autumn yumminess.

2) Visit Michele's Blog and become a follower

3) Become a follower of CGW blog (or just tell me if you are already)

4) Visit the Little Red Cottage Facebook page and "like" it

5) Visit the Crafty Girls Workshop Facebook page and "like" it

6) Blog about this giveaway on your blog (and post the link back here)

7) Share with your Twitter friends

8) Share with your Facebook friends

9) Follow CGW on Twitter

10) Follow Little Red Cottage on Twitter.

11) Get a bonus entry if you do ALL 10 of those things listed above!

Whew, I'm tired but I think it's worth it doing all those things to enter to win that GREAT autumn button and trim goody package from Little Red Cottage!  I'll keep the entries open until Saturday at midnight and announce the winner on Sunday September 26.

Happy Stitches,



  1. I love making dresses. I started an etsy shop recently and my downfall is making anything 2T - because it ends up in my daughter's closet instead of on my etsy site! ;)

  2. I would love to add some of that ric rac to my aprons, blankets, and many other crafts in the works:)

  3. I'm a follower of your blog

  4. I'm also a liker of CGWS on facebook

  5. I aslo follow you on twitter

  6. i want to use them to make the bunny in the sew darn cute book.
    songyueyu at gmail

  7. i like Little Red Cottage on Facebook

  8. i like the Crafty Girls Workshop on Facebook

  9. i tweeted

  10. i follow Little Red Cottage on Twitter.

  11. I'll do a wall art for my new little nephew's room :)

  12. Ooooh - I can see a 'pumpkin soup' quilt with a neat rick rack sashing and those buttons scattered around the border. Oh now my mind is full of creative ideas and I should be winding down for bed!!!!!!!

  13. I'm a new follower at Little Red Cottage - so much creativity!

  14. I would LOVE to make some cute tops and matching purses for my little ladies with that awesome rick rack and those beautiful buttons!

  15. I have been a follower of CGW for months now and I love it!

  16. I would use the buttons & rick rack for pillows!

  17. With Michele's stuff, I would finally make something for MYSELF! Maybe a cute embelished purse or tote, or maybe a cute cuddly quilt for the upcoming chilly weather of fall and winter.

    jalice1980 at aol dot com

  18. I'm a follower of Michele's blog.

    jalice1980 at aol dot com

  19. I "liked" LRC on Facebook.

    jalice1980 at aol dot com

  20. oh wow!!! I would do SO MUCH with all that wonderfulness! I would make some fabric flowers and use the buttons for centers - I would embellish some decorative pillows... the possibilities are endless! :)

  21. Wow, such pretty things. I think if I won, I'd use all that yumminess on a fall banner for the dining room.
    I'm already a follower and fan here...
    As far as the rest of the ways to enter, I did all but 1(I don't have a blog). Am I supposed to leave a comment for each thing? I guess I'll check back and see how others are doing it.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!
    On twitter I am firelass
    Theresa Felts

  22. I'd embellish a ton of pillows and use some for Christmas decorations.

  23. art quilt, art quilt and art quilt.... fun

  24. I like the Little Red Cottage Facebook page

  25. starting to feel like a comment hog, but also follow you on Twitter

  26. lastly, follow Little Red Cottage on Twitter

  27. I would use them to embellish Christmas gifts.

  28. follow Michele's blog

  29. like little red cottage on facebook


  30. Buttons? I have always loved buttons. It will (have not started) be used in my garment sewing for children.

  31. I have signed up as a follower to Michel's blog.

  32. And a follower to the CGW blog (great blog)

  33. And Little Red Cottage's (love the name)FB page.

  34. I would love to use all that loveliness on a delightful fall banner. Just in time for thanksgiving. I know I'd be thankful to have all that beautiful stuff!

  35. I am a follower of Little Red Cottage's blog.

  36. I "liked" Little Red Cottage FB page.

  37. What I would DO with all that yumminess is embellish pillows, skirts, bags, hair clips and many more fun craftsy stuff. Thank you.

  38. I'd like to trim a quilt with the ribbons. For the ric rac I will stick to little girls clothes.

  39. hmmm, lots of possibilities but I do believe that I'd remake a cardigan sweater.

  40. First and foremost...I would have to stare at it all for awhile cuz the colors are so beautiful; then I would use all that yumminess to embellish my scrapbook pages, some cards, and maybe a handmade gift or two! (thanks for the chance to win!)

  41. I would make a wall hanging and a matching apron with the buttons and ric rac!
