
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ePatterns are Eco Friendly So I'm Giving Some Away!

Part of the trasition for Crafty Girls Workshop has involved figuring out how to build up our offering of patterns without having to have a place to store them. Well, then it hit me, why not work with some designers like Denise of Whimsy Couture who design patterns to be distributed through e-mail!? It's good for the environment, it keeps the prices low (NO SHIPPING costs!) and it allows me to work with new designers and really get to know the girl behind the design. So a few weeks ago I contacted a couple of quilt pattern designers, who both happened to be from Australia, and they both happily agreed to let me list their patterns in my shop! Yippee! LOOOONG story short, Crafty Girls Workshop now offers QUILT patterns for sale that will be e-mailed to you within 12 hours of your purchase! Look at a few of the fabulous options we have:

Sand Castles (Rebecca Johnson)
Charm Bracelets by Kate Conklin (charm pack friendly)
Rolling Meadows (JR Friendly) by Rebecca Johnson
These are only a few of the patterns available. The best way to find the patterns on the Crafty Girls Workshop website is to look at the links on the left side of the screen, there you'll see the link for Electronic Patterns (since ALL our patterns are electronic now that makes sense, right?) and when you click that you can choose the type of patterns you want to browse, such as Quilts or Kid's Couture, etc. Pretty soon I'll be adding even more patterns to the listings such as Tote Bags, Embroidery/Stitching and Home Decor. If you happen to know anyone who designs great patterns for electronic distribution, please send them my way! I love to work with designers!

Alright, now on to the GIVEAWAY portion of this broadcast.

This time there will be TWO winners! One will win a Rebecca Johnson pattern and the other will win one from Kate Conklin. BE SURE that if you enter, you include your contact information so I can get in touch with you if you win! Here's how to enter:
  • Visit the links above for the electronic QUILT patterns and then come back here and share which pattern you'd like to win, if you just LOVE more than one, list them in the order that you LOVE them.
  • Sign up for my e-newsletter (be sure to tell me you did) for shop updates, coupons, and sneak peek specials (link in the right hand sidebar)
  • Become a follower of Crafty Girls Workshop, follow me on Twitter, and "like" me on facebook (if you don't already) or just tell me if you do already
  • Visit Kate Conklin's website and tell her HI from Crafty Girls Workshop (you can e-mail her or leave her a comment on the blog)
  • Become a follower of Kate Conklin's Blog (totally worth it)
  • Visit Rebecca Johnson's blog and tell her HI from Crafty Girls Workshop
  • Become a follower of Rebecca Johnson's Blog (also totally worth it!)
Stop back here and be sure to leave a comment for each of these entries, OR you can leave one comment telling me each thing you did, I'll still count your name that many times, I promise.

OK, so get going and have fun looking at the beautiful quilt pictures on these talented Designers' blogs!!

I'll announce the winners on Sunday, October 10, 2010. Hey, that's 10-10-10!!

Happy Stitches,


  1. I'm already a follower... and another perk of e-patters? Instant gratification when you order them!

  2. I think I like the Dandylion Window pattern the best, but it was a tough choice!

  3. oh -either the star jewels or the diamond bouquet - thanks for the chance!

  4. Those quilts are stunningly pretty!!

  5. I love the Star Jewels Quilt ePattern!
    fsarah09 at gmail dot com

  6. Love the star, diamonds and castles quilts!
    jenni_aja at hotmail dot com

  7. signed up for your email newsletter

  8. following on twitter, crafty girls follower, like on FB

  9. I love both the charm bracelet quilt and the sand castles quilt.

  10. I follow your blog, follow you on twitter, and like you on facebook.

  11. I'm signed up for your e-newsletter.

  12. I'm already a follower of Kate Conklin's blog.

  13. I said HI! to Rebecca from you.

  14. I signed up for your email! Love the blog!!
