
Thursday, January 20, 2011


I've done it! I managed to figure out all on my lonesome a good solution to building a community right here on my blog!! See the new tab up there next to About Me? It's called COMMUNITY and it's there for YOU ALL to participate on this blog! You might remember from my new year's resolution post that I said I wanted to build a bigger community here on the blog. I didn't have to move to Wordpress (gasp!) or pay for Ning (too pricey) but I DID figure out that Blog Frog has this nifty thing that allows me to put the community right there on a separate page on my blog!! Yippee! So, now I can have more interaction with y'all out there in blog world. Or that's the hope at least. I posted a discussion on the community page to hopefully get some people talking.

Today's discussion topic:

 What are you doing to organize for 2011? It doesn't even have to be your sewing/crafting space.

Please share! Click on the Community tab up there and reply to the discussion. Or you can just comment on this post if you'd like. Thanks for joining the Crafty Community.

Happy Stitches,


  1. Hi Anna - congrats on your new BlogFrog community and thanks for sharing your excitement with your readers. We were so excited to launch the new site design this week and the embeddable communities turned out to be SUPER popular. If you ever have suggestions for how we can be even better, please let us know. Thanks for being an awesome BlogFrog member. You rock!

    Holly (co-founder, BlogFrog)

  2. Yay for new communities! Off to check it out. :)

  3. I'd like to organize by selling all my excess fabric(a lot), which would really simplify organizing my stash. If I could get rid of it all I'd just have my very favorites which I hate to admit I've had for over five years in most cases! Maybe with less fabric I'd actually use my specials and no laughing about too much fabric out there!;-)
