
Friday, March 11, 2011

Rule Breaking Quilts Book Club: Moving Violations

I'm having so much fun in my own book club for this book Rule Breaking Quilts! (you can still join)

                                                                 Rule-Breaking Quilts 

I've already started on the first quilt and amazingly I'm ready to piece the entire top together, and I only started cutting pieces for it yesterday! Here's where I was yesterday:
This, in itself was thrilling, until I got to the next step, which was MORE cutting! And I ended up with this!

Most of the fabrics are from Anna Maria Horner's Innocent Crush collection, but I had to add some of my NEW Bella Solid Robin's Egg blue AND some Buttercup. It really pulled everything together. If you manage to look really closely, you'll see a little bit of something weird mixed in. It's from an improv block I did that I didn't really like much, so I wacked it up and pieced it back together in some wonky triangles and now I LOVE it! This quilt project is called Moving Violations, and you have to get the book in order to understand why. But boy are the Quilt Police going to be after me!!

I'm going to have my camera at the ready tomorrow to see the looks on people's faces when they come in my studio and see this quilt on the wall. I might love it too much to ever even bother taking it down to piece it! SEW FUN!!

Happy Stitches,

P.S. Don't forget about the giveaway going on! (See previous post)

Linking up here:

1 comment:

  1. That is a crazy quilt! Love it. I love quilts. :)
    I am a new follower.
