
Monday, April 11, 2011

A Little Bit Ambitious

This weekend (starting on Friday) is the first retreat for the San Antonio Modern Quilt Guild. I am so excited to be able to spend 3 and a half days sewing! (yes, I know I own a sewing studio and yes, I can sew whenever I want but I don't have to worry about meals or my puppy all weekend!)

Here are the projects I'm bringing with me to work on (sorry for the icky pictures, hopefully I'll have finished stuff to show after the retreat.) Do you think I'm too ambitious?

for my best friend's youngest son (and my Godson)

Paris, Birds, Pink and Brown how can I go wrong?

for the friend's oldest son (those are Robots)

Just for fun (and I've had it cut for over two years)

Something I started just a few days ago, a wonky boyish fabrics log cabin

I don't think it's too ambitious because I'll just be happy if I finish one or two. Hopefully I'll have lots to report on Monday!

Any big plans for this weekend now that tax time is over? (OK< did I just post about the weekend on a Monday?)

Happy Stitches,


  1. Hey Anna! How are you? I have been lazy in my blog visiting lately... just trying to keep up with life I guess!
    If you have something that you've made over the last week, link up to Creative Me Monday, it's a new blog hop I started for all things creative!
    Take care!

  2. Love that log cabin design you started!
    Have a blissful time on your retreat!

  3. Sounds like fun Anna... Enjoy yourself.

    I recognize some of your fabric... I have that gear fabric (next to the robots) in my stash. I think I have it with a black, green and the yellow backround.. It was part of a "retiring" quilter's stash that I bought sight unseen. I picked up six boxes full of fabric and I want to say there were about a dozen FQs of this gear fabric in the mix.

    Would love to find some of that robot fabric. Do you know where you got it? That would make a nice Linus Project quilt...
