
Friday, April 8, 2011

Lovely Patchwork Awesomeness Arrived

Yes, it's here and yes, it's TOTALLY AWESOME!! This magazine, compiled by the editors of the AMAZING Stitch magazine has 101 patchwork projects! It's all in one place, it's there at your fingertips. I can't wait to dive in and making something fun. Maybe it will be some sewing machine covers (I have 4 machines in my shop) or maybe a cute new bed for my puppy or maybe 99 other things that are shown in this magazine. I mean, geez, if I start now, I could make something every day for the rest of the year! Oh and if patchwork isn't really your thing, check out Stitch, because it has some incredible projects that involve actually making clothes! Ahh so many things to do.

Happy Stitches,

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