
Monday, April 4, 2011

The Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

So the party has started! OK, I'm a little behind and that's probably because I don't have any sweet little ones (yet) and sadly, don't read the 5 Minutes for Mom blog. (Gasp!) BUT I do read Craft Buds (just became a sponsor actually) and THEY posted about the UBP. Apparently, this has been going on every year for the LAST 5 YEARS! Where have I been!? Well, I am participating now so PLEASE hop over there and visit some AMAZING blogs. There are 5 or 6 different categories and it truly is the ULTIMATE party because there are at least 150 blogs listed in EACH category! (Most of them have more than 300 EACH!!) Wow. There are prizes to be had as well, if you enter your blog on the list. I'm linking my blog up on the Business Blogs list, although I think it could be added to the Specialty Blog list as well. But we have to play nice and leave a little room for others to play too. So go on! Stop by and get the party started!

UPDATE: Alright, so did I miss the part of the instructions where it said I needed to introduce myself? Hmm? Well, here's a little bit about me.

I LOVE to sew and to teach and in the process have become a sewing teacher! I have a sewing studio where I teach sewing and quilting classes and I even learn something along the way too. Recently I've started teaching home school children during the day which works great for me and them. Also, I try to teach my classes in the evenings and on weekends when the regular working folks have semi-free time.

I have an online shop where I sell fabric and patterns and the occasional kit. I have all sorts of fun PDF patterns and printed patterns for making anything from Tote Bags to Kid's clothes, aprons, and even quilts. If you sign up for my e-mail newsletter (either on the right sidebar here or on the website) you'll receive all the great updates about the shop in your e-mail every month and that includes COUPON codes! I try to keep this blog limited to posts about my crafty/sewing/quilting endeavors instead of really shop focused. But I DO sew and I DO use the fabrics I have in my shop to make samples (see previous posts).

I guess that's about it about me. I hope you'll say hi and I'll send you a FREE pattern!

Happy Stiches,

P.S. And don't blame me if you get lost in blog world and completely forget you have laundry to wash, food to cook, diapers to change, THINGS TO SEW or even taxes to pay (UGH!)

P.P.S. IF you do go and visit some blogs AND if you come back HERE and leave me a comment mentioning some of the blogs you visited (make sure your e-mail works or include it in your comment), I'll send you a copy of my Pillowcase Tutorial/Pattern. FREE!!


  1. So glad you joined up too! I've found some new friends and followers this way. :) We're super excited to have you on board at Craft Buds!

  2. Anna, Cuteness here. Love that skirt in the previous post!! Thanks for visiting me through the UBP'11! I will share you with my mom, too, who is a big time sewer/creator! I have been spending way too much time partying and visiting sites...Pear Tree Greetings (so cute), Milk and Cuddles, JC Jewelry Design, Crafty Hippo, and sooooo many more! Have a great day!

  3. Hi, I found you on the Ultimate Blog Party 2011 and now I’m a new follower of your adorable blog! Hop over and say HI if you get a chance Jennifer from Just

  4. Thanks for the blog visit. I'm your newest follower & can't wait to see more of your blog :)

  5. I found your blog by going to Diary of a Quilter's blog. I visited Mommy23Monkeys...she is a super woman! I also stopped by Never Enough Thyme Creations...that phone booth is amazing! cwhelan at williamwoods dot edu

  6. Ooooh , I want a pillowcase pattern!

    Back on the UBP site, and found your post here....thanks for the blog visit and I am now a follower too! I am off to brouse more UBp!
