
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Giveaway Goodness

Here's at least one giveaway I've found today. I'll list some more here to make it super easy to go and enter!

On the Fritz blog - a cute blog about being a young army mom, she's giving away MARY KAY goodies!! You can still enter for the next couple of hours. So far only 4 people have entered so let's just attack her with bloggy comment LOVE!!

Happy Stitches,


  1. cute blog I am signing up to be a follower I need help sewing and quilting. I really want to find a pattern and learn to make some neato stockings for christmas... maybe you can help me

    thanks for visiting me on my special sits day, I hope you had time to enter my giveaways!
    See you soon, The Buzz Brandy
