
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Quilt Market is Approaching!

On Thursday Regina and I will be leaving to go to the Fall Quilt Market. Do I realy need to say it? We are SO excited! To share our excitement about the new products, patterns, ideas, fabrics, and fabrics and MORE fabrics we'll be seeing, I'll be posting a NEW secret item EVERY DAY, or sooner if that item sells. So help us clean out some of our inventory and get READY FOR QUILT MARKET!! Oh, and I think we'll be getting some awesome preview goodies at Sample Spree, which I think we might be willing to share with our fabulous quilting friends, that's YOU! So be sure to check back. I'm taking my new, PINK, mini laptop and my camera so that I can post pictures of the behind the scenes. I am totally excited to meet some quilting celebrities, maybe even Amy Butler or Joanna Figueroa! Or maybe even Bonnie and Camille who designed Simple Abundance and Cotton Blossom! Wow, that would be awesome! I wonder if they would look at me funny if I asked for their autograph! Hey, look------------->
I just posted a NEW secret item right now! Remember, if you purchase the secret item, you'll receive FREE shipping, (and if you order more than just item, we'll cover your shipping up to $5!) If you live outside of the US, you could be saving a bundle! Back tomorrow with some more Christmas gift ideas.

Happy Stitches,
(and happy shopping)



  1. Quilt market - that must be SO fun! I love looking at quilts, especially old one. I have 2 that my great-grandmother made before immigrating from Portugal, they are a bit musty, but beautiful. Hope you have a great time!

  2. Thanks for stopping by. Sometimes I just ramble away in those SITS comments and I always wonder if anyone even reads them. LOL

  3. Hi Anna
    Thank you for visiting my blog today! (Fellow SITSta!) I'm enjoying your blog!

    check out the quilt give-away:

  4. Hi Anna, Thank you so much for stopping by!! :o) Yes, I would be more than happy to "chat" with you anytime! :o) Perhaps we were meant to "run into each other", per se.

    Have fun at the Quilting Market. Sounds fun!! Love your "secret item" fabric to the side :o)

