
Monday, November 2, 2009

Allow me to introduce: Crafty Angi on Etsy

Way back, before I began my quilting and sewing adventures, I dabbled in the rubber stamp and scrapbook world. I still peruse the scrapbook aisle at my local craft store, because somehow, I think that scrapbook paper is a lot like fabric, just with a different sort of fiber. In fact, I've noticed that a lot of designers' patterns for fabric are also showing up on paper, such as Amy Butler, Sandi Henderson, Heather Bailey, etc. Well, I recently met a very sweet fellow Etsy store owner who does some amazingly creative things with scrapbook papers and we decided it would be fun to do a cross promotion for our customers. She has lots of cute, CUTE, things on her site that will be most helpful in this upcoming busy season. Look at this adorable photo ready album! It's already done for you!

It's a cute 6"x6" album that has 10 pages for you to add your holiday pictures to! I don't know about you, but I think it's worth it just for the amount of time it would take me to come up with the idea for the page layout!

Here is a little more about Angi:
Angi lives in Texas. She is a Mother, Public School Teacher, a U.S. Veteran and Avid Scrapbooker. The creative bug hit her years ago and she has been desiging and creating for family and friends for years.
What made you first want to become an artist?
A friend of mine invited me to scrapbook with her one weekend. That first scrapbook event was so much fun. After that I was hooked. (SMILE)
Please describe your creative process, how, when, materials, etc.
I get ideas from things around me. Beautiful flowers, butterflies, rainbows, the sunshine here in Texas, or just about anything colorful makes me want to capture it on paper and create. Being a mom also helps me design things for my own children. Once I show the designs to others, they want me to make it for them too.
You sell a wide variety of items. What is your favorite thing to create?
My favorite things to create are acrylic scrabooks and altered tins. I love to use colorful embellishments made of chipboard or those with 3 dimensional effects. Different rub-on designs, inks, and acrylic paints are also fun to add to my creations. Using high quality embellishments really make my creations "pop" and stand out.
Stay tuned.. more about Crafty Angi tomorrow!!
Happy Stitches,
P.S. Please check out and reply to the NEW poll in the sidebar.


  1. I love your background paper! Very pretty. Thank you very much for the lovely pincushion you sent. It's my first one so you can imagine how handy it has been. Lovely thought.

  2. yes I will have a mcklinky that week for people to post up and i'll link up people that I KNOW are participating! :0
    thanks for joining i'll wait to hear a confirmation from the rest of the gang, thanks again! Brandy

  3. I think it's a brilliant idea! The time to make that would be hard to come by this time of year!
