
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fall-ing Prices Treasure Hunt

Oh no, I think I've created a monster! I taught Regina, the other half of Crafty Girls Workshop, how to go into our shop and edit our listings. She's also recently learned how to list new items! This is GOOD for several reasons:
  • She has time to list things during the day
  • LOTS of new stuff will be added almost EVERY DAY!
  • It takes some of the pressure off of me to do that side of things.

BUT she is sort of sneaky, she's been going in and CHANGING prices on our products! This is GOOD for you, our wonderful customers, and well, it's GOOD for us too, because we know we're going to be getting LOTS of fabric in over the next few months and we REALLY want to sell our products. SO, I guess it's a win-win situation. You get a good deal, and we move our inventory. Remember that magazine I talked about a post or two ago called Quilts and More? Well, it turns out that just as we got ours listed, the NEW issue came out for winter! But we still have 5 copies of the FALL issue! So we've decided to go a little crazy and drop the price, now it's only $5 (plus shipping)!! Also, the fall issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors is now only $4.50!! That is SUPER crazy! Even after shipping you're getting an awesome deal! In fact, check our all of our magazines, they are priced to MOVE! Now our charm packs of CURRENT fabrics, such as Mill House Inn, Aster Manor, Simple Abundance, and Rouenneries are now only $7.00 each!! (See I told you she's crazy!) And here's a hint, I bet you can find some great prices on the Honey Buns and Jelly Rolls as well! There are lots of other specials to be found in our shop. How would you like to pick up some Beach House yardage for only $6.99 a yard or Panache (which is super hard to find) for $7.99 a yard!! These changes are sort of subtle and you'll really only notice them if you read this blog or check our shop regularly. We're not shouting this out to the entire world (although we wouldn't mind if you send your friends our way). We have a goal to reach before December 31:


Can you help us get there? I think you can! If we reach 100 sales, we'll do a FABULOUS giveaway on here, lots of great goodies for the new year. Please tell your friends and go check us out, because there are lots of great deals to be had!!

Happy Shopping!


Crafty Girls Workshop

1 comment:

  1. What sweet deals! I hope this coming year is sooooo much better for you!!!

    I just wanted to thank you for making my SIT's Day special!

    Blessings to you,

    Lana @
