
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Cloth Paper Scissors just arrived!

Look what arrived today! I just love this magazine. It has the most beautiful and inspiring photography and articles. We have 5 copies and we've priced them to be competetive, even with the publisher, Interweave's website! You will be so happy when this magazine arrives in your mailbox. There are quilt projects, mixed media fiber art, paper projects, a new to me technique called encaustic, using packaing styrofoam to make cute painted houses, and that's just scratching the surface! Here is a list of projects from the magazine, straight from the publisher's website:
  • Creating soulful collaged and painted figures
  • A Beginner's Guide to Beginning
  • Artist Profile: Lynda Andrus
  • Encaustic Collage
  • Color Wheel Journal Quilt
  • Bird Portraits
  • "Chubby Houses"
  • Artist to Artist: Crystal Neubauer
  • Fanciful Sculptures
  • "Pass It on!: Mail Art Affirmations" Reader Swap
  • Canvas wall art for collectors of odds & ends
  • Drop Cloth Girls: Combine canvas, collage, and stitch
  • Sailors' Valentine Reader Challenge Results
  • Sailors' Valentine: Treasures from the Sea
  • Building Upon Layers: Detailed design made easy
  • Cloth Paper Scissors Mixed-media Pendant Swap
  • Transforming papers to make a unique painting surface
  • What's the craziest thing you've ever stamped with?

What a great value for only $7.50 plus shipping!! Yes, I know shipping can be cost prohibitive, but this is a publication that may not be available in your local bookstore or grocery aisle checkout. Think of it as an investment in your quilting and artistic education. Stop by our shop now and help us get to 150 sales before 2010! The 150th sale purchaser will receive something special in their package and it may just spur us to have a giveaway too! More to come soon!

Happy Stitches to You,



  1. I ordered the subscription for this magazine along with the QuiltArt magazine. That was my Christmas gift from my husband - that I bought myself. Oh, well. Happy New Year! Linda

  2. Hi Anna, That magazine has always been one of my favorites! I wanted to drop in and tell you thanks for your insight on my blog post today. I really appreciate your thoughts. I went ahead and changed the name, now I need to update my header and my buttons and such. I just wanted to tell you thanks and I will keep in touch with you. Love your blog and heading to check out your shop now. ~Lanie
