
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Work in Progress Wednesday

Fabrics: Spring Stripe, High Tea (Michael Miller) and Berry Whisper (Girly Girl)
Looky looky what I made! I did it! I finally made something out of the fabrics in our shop! Here it is:

It was really easy and fun to make. I totally loved sewing with the fabrics from our shop! I think that High Tea fabric was perfect! I see more of these in my future, not to mention some kid's aprons too! What do you think? Do you have any projects you been working on that you'd like to share? Please add a link to your blog post below. (Bare with me, this is my first attempt at using McLinky.)

Let's see how many we can link to! Share the love too, stop by and say hi to the other WIPper Snappers!

Happy Stitches to You,

Crafty Girls Workshop

P.S. This is hopefully going to be a recurring Wednesday post, hopefully.

I also linked this up at Amy's Sew & Tell.


  1. I am always "starting" new projects. What would life be like without projects and wonderful shops like yours in which to purchase supplies :-)

  2. Oooh, that's gorgeous! I love the shabby chic look of it all. I have about six projects in progress right now, but I haven't blogged about them yet. I should really get on that..... Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!! :-D

  3. That is so cute! I'm pretty sure I could become an apron-aholic. Thanks for linking up!

  4. That is so cute! I love that Michael Miller fabric that you used!

  5. That apron is too cute. Great fabrics!! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Super cute! I love seeing all the cute new apron patterns. Seems they are making a huge comeback! ;o)
