
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pillowcase Tutorial!!

Yes, it's finally time. The pictures are all ready and the instructions are written. Here is the LOOOONG awaited pillowcase tutorial, created by Regina (the rather silent Crafty Girl). At the end of this post I'll include a link to open a PDF of this tutorial so you can save and print it and keep it close to your sewing machine (mine is in a different room from my computer.) That way you'll always have a quick go-to project for fast gifts. By the way, the fabric used in the pictures is Oz by Sanae! We have a lot of it in our shop in various colors for many tastes. We also have a KIT available, just tell us your fabric choices (anything from our shop) and we'll cut it and ship it to you right away!

Easy Peasy Pillowcase Tutorial

Materials Needed:
3/4 yd for case

1/4 yd for band

1/8 yd for accent band

1-1/4 yd lace (optional)

Fold the pillowcase fabric in half and straighten the edges. Remove the selvage from the edges of all the fabrics. The selvage is the tightly woven edge that is either white with the name of the fabric or may be the same color as the fabric but has very small holes along the length of it.

Step 1: Fold the fabric for the 2 bands in half lengthwise (wrong sides together) and press.

Step 2a: If you are using lace, draw a line 1/4" away from the raw edge of the accent band (lengthwise).
Step 2b: Pin your lace directly below this line. The header of the lace should be touching the line. Sew in place.
Step 3: Line up the raw edges of the accent band (with lace) and outer band, pin, and sew the accent band to the outer band using 1/2" seam allowance. (picture below)
Step 4: Lay pillowcase fabric out flat, right side up. Line up the raw edges of the band piece and the pillowcase body. Accent band and optional lace will be sandwiched between. Sew together with a 1/2" seam allowance. If you have a walking foot, this is a good time to use it. Trim the seam allowance to about 1/4" and finish the edge with a zigzag stitch over the edge of the fabric (this prevents fraying).
Step 5: Fold the entire unit in half lengthwise and pin together. Take special care to match-up the seams on the band section. Sew together using a 1/2" seam allowance.
Step 6: Trim the seam and zigzag stitch over the raw edge. Turn right side out and push out the corners. Press.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You now have a pretty pillowcase for your bed!
Note: If this tutorial is unclear or you have any questions, PLEASE feel free to ask either here in the comments or by e-mail. We'd also LOVE to see if you make any of these how they turn out!
Happy Stitches!


  1. That's really pretty...and what a great tutorial!

    Thanks for linking up to the party!


  2. I'm doing a quilt out of that eexact same fabric at the moment. It's so gorgeous. Now thanks to you, I can make pillowcases that match!

  3. I love making pillow cases, this is a great tutorial!!

  4. Thanks for the great tutorial.

    I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow.

  5. Sew pretty and simple too. That is a great tutorial!

  6. I love this! Bet it would make an adorable pillowcase dress!!!

    Happy Friday Follow!

  7. Happy Friday Follow!!! Please follow me at

    Nice blog you have here, will stick around for awhile.

  8. Love this sweet pillowcase and the tutorial is just wonderful. I've become a follower and hope you follow me as well.

  9. Hi, visiting and following from Follow Me Friday.

    Please come by and follow me back when you get a chance. Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Happy Friday Follow. WOuld love for you to follow me too. :)

  11. thank you for posting this....stopping by from friday follows new follower. have a great weekend.

  12. I am now your follower from Friday Follow.Woo Hoo!!

    Happy Saturday!



  13. Easiest tutorial I've seen for pillowcases! The sample is beautiful! I have this bookmarked for Christmas gifts! Thank you!
