
Monday, March 15, 2010

Sponsors Welcome

As you may notice, Crafty Girls Workshop blog has gotten a little bit of a Spring Makeover! I've revamped the layout just a bit so that we can have some room for sponsors and a little more room for all those cute buttons and badges I like to show in my sidebar. So, we're looking for Sponsors (sounds so much better than Advertisers, don't you think?) and here's the best part. I'm willing to just TRADE sponsor space with you! If you have a crafty blog and think that the people who read your blog would like the fabrics, patterns and kits that CGW sells, and you think that the readers of our blog would like what you make, let's work out a SWAP! If you don't offer ad space on your blog at the moment but would still like to have your badge displayed "above the fold" on CGW for the LOW introductory price of $5 a month, please e-mail me and put Sponsorship in the title. Please attach your 125x125 px ad and include the link in your e-mail as well. Then I'll send you an invoice through pay pal and you'll be good to go! I really think that anyone who has purchased fabrics or patterns from us and then made them into something to resell in their shop would be especially appealing to the CGW blog readers. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me. I have 5 slots available and I'll fill them on a first come first get it basis. I hope you like the makeover so far! I still have to tweak some of the sidebar badge sizes but that shouldn't take me too long. Well, until next time.

Happy Stitches to You,


  1. looking good! The trade sounds interesting to me...

    Have a fabric filled week! :)

  2. Love the new blog design!
    Stopping by from SITS!

  3. Thanks for visiting. I'll take a look around your blog. It looks like fun.

  4. Thanks for visiting today!

    Sewing is something I am DYING to learn... got a sewing machine for Christmas but havent even taken it out of the box yet... too maybe you'll be my inspiration to get going & learn to get that needle moving!

  5. Hello SITSta!
    Haha I just responded to your comment on my post that my next project is to learn to sew! looks like I stumbled on a good blog!!

  6. Stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest. Love your blog. Hope you have a great weekend.
