
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spill the Beans Sunday

NOTE: If you were sweet enough to comment with your opinion about the option of offering advertising on this blog a week or two ago, please e-mail me and I'll send you a FREE pattern for a quick quilt made with a jelly roll!

Now it's YOUR turn to spill the beans (and I don't mean coffee because it's past 1:00pm). Please take a moment to answer the following questions. I had SEW much fun reading about how people learned to sew and where you are from. If you answer this post with a comment, PLEASE make sure to include your e-mail and I'll send you a FREE pattern too! Last thing, I've decided to add McLinky at the bottom. SO, if you answer these questions here in a comment, link up your blog (main page is OK) and we can visit each other and make some new bloggy friends!

1) Name
2) Favorite hobby (sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, cooking, etc.)
3) What sort of patterns/designers/colors do you like? (i.e. bright and funky, soft and floral, Amy Butler, anything by 3 Sisters, Basic Grey, Sweetwater, etc.)
4) What patterns would you like to make? (i.e. tote bags, quilts, baby clothes, stuffed animals or softies, adult garments, home stuff like aprons or pillows, etc.)
5) Of the previous list, is there anything that you'd like to make more of?
6) Who do you sew/craft for most? (kids, family, friends, neighbors, customers, yourself!, etc)
7) Anything else you'd like to share?
8) Now add a link to your blog on McLinky!

OK, me first.
1) Anna
2) Sew and quilting although I think I have Crafters A.D.D. because I can't seem to focus very long on one project and have started making paper cards and even made a calendar with scrapbook paper!
3) I love bright and funky fabrics and have recently purchased 12 different fabrics with a lime green and turquoise blue color scheme for a new quilt! (Forgot I already had a set of FQs at home in that same color line!) I totally love Amy Butler, Heather Bailey, Anna Maria Horner, and I really like the Basic Grey fabrics most of the time. I know a lot of fabric designers are also designing for scrapbook paper companies and visa versa now. Basic Grey and Sweetwater are good examples of that.
4) I have plans to make lots of quilts (bought the kits for them!) but I also have lots of patterns for totes. I just saw a TON of cute patterns to make stuffed animals and I think that would be interesting but I don't know who I would give them to. I also like to make pillows, like I said, Crafter's A.D.D.
5) Pretty much more of EVERYTHING! I need to get myself OFF the computer so that I can actually SEW! In fact, I've started trying to make two things at a time since I seem to have so little time to spend sewing!
6) At the moment I'm sewing a tote bag for my mom and another one for my close friend as a gift. I also have plans to sew for our shop for samples and sale. I'm looking forward to seeing what people add to our flickr pool so I can get some more inspiration!
7) Hope this is fun and not too redundant with the previous meme (I'm calling it that because it's easier than anything else.)


  1. Amazing I am the first
    My name is Jeannette
    Favourite hobby anything with material and fabrics
    I seem to be drawn to all patterns and materials depending on my mood, sometimes bright sometimes soft and pretty. I love Fig Tree fabrics and have most of the later ranges. At the moment I am working with some Kafe Fasset and Amy Butler materials for a hand pieced quilt.
    I love making clothes and of course quilts
    I used to make baby layettes and would love to make more.
    I normally sew for the family and have a small pile of gifts ready for made distribution
    Posted and linked

  2. Hi Anna..
    My name is CC...
    Favorite hobbies would be anything to do with vintage,aprons,patterns..fabrics..
    I love sewing and quilting though I've almost no time for that at the I try and create small things like pincushions,needle cases..just to feel that pretty fabric in my hands. I do love apron bright bold,beautiful colors...
    and my appliqued Sunbonnet Sues and her friends in soft ginghams and calicos..
    I think I would love making pillows but my first love is aprons..and of course,my favorite..Ms. Sunbonnet Sue
    Perhaps,if I stayed off the computer more often,I would have more sewing and crafting time... :)

  3. 1.) My name is Trish
    2.) Hobbies including all things crafty.
    3.) I love all patterns and love to try a variety of sewing crafts with different fabrics, so many wonderful ones to choose from.
    4.) I think I have tried a little bit of everything throughout the years?
    5.) More primitive items. Love them.
    6.) I sew for family, friends, and do alot of custom orders mostly.

  4. 1. My name is Rachel
    2. My favourite hobbies all involve making stuff: writing, cooking, sewing, knitting, embroidery, card-making.
    3. I love modern, simple designs (geometrics and florals) and bright colours.
    4. I'm mostly interested in making adult ladies clothes (for me!) and household stuff like placemats, cushion covers, bean bags...
    5. I'd just like to make more - full stop ;)
    6. Me! Is that super-selfish..? I love to cook for my friends, and to make cards and gifts.
    7. Just really happy to have found your friendly blog - thank you for visiting mine :D

  5. 1. My name is Trina- love your blog, btw.
    2. Favorite hobbies: sewing and baking
    3. I love anything Moda puts out basically, and love the shabby chic style prints, colors, textures.
    4. I mostly make kids and baby things, but also am making bags and some cute clothes for me and my daughter. Whatever I find or see that I think, I could make that!
    5. I too need to get off the computer so I can sew more. Would love to do more housewares things for the holidays- runners, wall hangings, table toppers. love that stuff.
    6. I sew mainly for gifts, my daughter, and my etsy store.
    7. Love your fabric and store. Fun to see how it's evolve(d)(ing) :-)

  6. hi there :)

    1) my name is Kathryn
    2) i LOVE LOVE LOVE to sew. but lately i've been learning to crochet via youtube videos and i'm obsessed with that too!
    3) oh goodness this is such a loaded question! i love any and all fabric! how does the saying go? she who dies with the most fabric wins ;)
    4) my favorite patterns are quilts, bags, aprons and on certain days, anything fast and easy for the instant gratification effect
    5) no
    6) i sew for whoever i think will like that specific project best.
    7) yes, my name is kathryn and i'm a fabric-holic.
    8) can't. it's already closed :(

  7. forgot to put my email...

    katydi21 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. Where have I been I missed four posts??? :) Love my order thank you!

    1) Gabrielle Krake
    2) I'm like you, ADD... I do every craft, all of them!
    3) I really like clean lines and minimal patterns, but then to change things up I'll throw in a little color. Favorite designer will always be Chanel.
    4) I have no favorites just when inspiration strikes... I make it!
    5) I would like to make more of my own clothing.
    6) I sew for everyone 1/2 customers 1/2 gifts, friends, myself, my kids.
    7) Oh I have my very own store in here, it's almost embarrassing...
    8) Darn, it's closed!
