
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Super Sponsor Sunday!

Today I'm featuring a guest post from one of our sponsors, Jill from Women Who Do It All.

Hello readers of the Crafty Girls Workshop! I am so excited to be guest blogging here today! Love their products! Well first a little introduction to me and my blog :) I am Jill from Women Who Do It All. I have a sweet little guy, Sam, who is three months old. I started my blog because I wanted to make a kind of community where women who "do it all" (and let's be honest, that's all of us) could share ideas and build friendships. I keep my blog hopping with fun craft ideas and motivating health and fitness tips. I also love to share great recipes and have lots of fun giveaways (the best part of blogging, right?) I've got two great giveaways going on right now.
One for a Cricut (shown in the picture) [EDIT: The Cricut giveaway has concluded but Jilll still wants to give one away when she reaches 2500 followers, head over and help her out!] and one for a $50 gift certificate for the JC Penny Portrait Studio. These end in just a couple days so head on over and check them out :)

I had a hard time choosing just one post to feature here, but I ended up settling on my tutorial for an adorable baby mobile just because it's fun and could save you lots of money not having to buy one from the store, plus my son LOVES it!
Head on over to Women Who Do It All for a tutorial for how to make one yourself!
Thanks for the guest post Jill. We will be stopping by soon!
Happy Stitches to all,

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from PEAR :)

    Owls are my favorite. I have a strange menagerie of owl (and bird) items all over my apartment. I could imagine making a mobile like this just to hang somewhere in my crazy house! Love it :)
