
Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Blog is Carbon Neutral, is yours?

I was hopping around blog land as I do most every day and I came across posts like this a couple of times. When I actually stopped to read one I realized, DUH! I should do this too! All they said is that we need to post about the project and then share the button with a link to their page. Then they will plan a tree in the name of MY blog (and hopefully for my website too) somewhere in Germany sometime this spring! The website has some great photos and really explains it better than I can. Here's me doing my little itsy bitsy part to help make the world greener. By the way, we planted a really pretty Weeping Red Bud in our front yard a few weeks ago when it was still blooming. Now it has big green leaves. Yippee! Yeah for nature!!

carbon neutral offers and shopping with

By the way, you should TOTALLY do this! It takes about three seconds and will make you feel better, hopefully. If you DO, please drop me a comment and I'll send you something special as a thank you.

Happy stitches,


  1. What a great idea!

    Thanks for stopping by to help me celebrate my shop hitting 60 sales!

  2. what an awesome idea! I'll have to check out this website, def. up my alley :)

  3. Thanks for visiting me:) I love your blog and now I'm a follower! I'll certainly be back soon:) I love the idea about the tree and I'll grab their button:)

  4. This is such a great initiative and it means a lot to me that a tree will be planted at the same time as I launch my etsy store! Thank you so much for your support and generous offers to share some of your wisdom with a rookie!
