
Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring (Studio) Spruce Up Inspiration (part one)

I'm not sure why, but I'm a super insomniac tonight and you get to benefit from it! I've been blog hopping and found some great ideas and inspiration for sewing rooms. Did you know there is a group on Flickr just for pictures of Craft Rooms (a small group of only 4,330 members!) AND Sewing Rooms (over 1000 pictures!) If you just go and type "sewing rooms" in the search box it finds all sorts of great pictures!

Hmm, I have some more ideas but I think I'll save those for tomorrow's post, I can't wait! In the meanwhile, don't forget to link your post with pictures (before OR after is fine) on my linky post from Saturday! You will be entered to win a Goody Bag from Crafty Girls Workshop! Oh, and tell your friends!! I am determined I'm going to figure out how to make one of those neat-o mosaic thingys for tomorrow's post of great storage ideas! I have two ideas for storing ribbon, oh, actually, make that three I just remembered another one I can grab. Oh, and Kim over at Everything Etsy had a neat post a little while back about crafty spaces. Hope you'll check it out! Have a great Monday!

NOTE: You can post ANY Spruce Up to the linky page, I don't mind if it doesn't relate to a crafty/sewing space. Any sort of before/after will do and be inspiring to those of us who need to spruce things up a bit.

Happy Stitches (and Sprucing Up),


  1. I don't sew or do "crafty" things but I would love to have a dark room or even a dance studio. That would be in my dream house.

    Stopping by from SITS!

  2. I am cleaning the studio today... a weeks worth of creating makes a big mess come Monday! :)

  3. I am not sure whether those pix are inspirational or depressing. My room is a mess after moving 3 times in the last three months. It is big and has potential so I am going to think positive that I will get there. Thanks for the shot in the arm. L,A-

  4. Looking at those photos would only make me very, very jealous. ;) I am torn between keeping the little area I told my husband I just *had* to have in our addition for my stuff, or using the 3rd bedroom as a guest room/craft room when my girls are big enough to "bunk" together in the larger bedroom. Hmmmm...

  5. In honor of all sewers everywhere. Or maybe it's just me.

  6. I would love to have my very own sewing studio someday that is so lovely like these pictures shown here. I can't wait! :)
