
Monday, May 3, 2010

Got Voile? A commentary, sort of.

In fact, do you even know what the heck voile is? According to Wiktionary and Wikipedia:
Voile (noun) Pronounced "voy-el": 1. A light, translucent cotton fabric used for making curatins and dresses, from the French term which means veil. 
Does that help? Here is what I consider to be a wonderful example of using voile to make a beautiful top:

Isn't that top just beautiful? And who would ever guess that she just used a Simplicity pattern! Not me, that's for sure. When I first saw voile, it was introduced back in October at the Fall Quilt Market, I didn't really understand what it was. Regina (the other crafty girl) recognized it right away as a great light weight fabric for making clothes, curtains, maybe pillows, but most likely NOT quilts. (She started out making clothes before she got into quilting anyway.) This was a little confusing to me, I mean we were at QUILT market, but this was a new trend starting in October that is now super popular. Well, it makes more sense now since the temperatures are rising (every day) and the idea of making light weight tops is super appealing. SO, long story short, Crafty Girls Workshop is jumping on the voile bandwagon and planning to order some which will arrive VERY SOON! If you visit this link to see some of the options and want to add your input about which ones you like the best, please feel free! I have a few in mind already but I'd love to hear your opinion too.

Happy Stitches,


  1. I used a crinkled version to drape the walls in my last bedroom--gave the room a lush feel, dampened some of the light-pollution from my apartment complex and was a good alternative to painting.

    Of course, now that I've moved, I've got yards of gold and burgandy voile to play with in other ways. Oh, the horror ;-)

  2. Love to try some voile - love the Ink and Pomegranate. Summer dresses for little girls, curtains and scarves! Since it's something like 54" wide, if you could sell in 1/2 yd, I could make a variety of scarves.

  3. Wow...something about that shirt and fabric right? I still love it. I have it bookmarked onto my phone for whenever I visit the fabric store for inspiration!
    Thank you for visiting Stitch N' Giggles for New Friend Friday!
