
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spill the Beans Sunday

I'm sorry this post is rather late today. I'm suffering from a stomach bug but just felt the need to get out of bed and post this. Guess I needed my blogging fix, haha.
This week's topic:

What is your dream job? If you could do anything and get paid a "living wage" to do it, what would it be?

My dream job is to own a sewing studio where I can teach people how to sew and make cool projects. We'd also have fabrics (of course) and it would be a fun and vibrant place where people are always learning and excited about their projects. And to be honest, I'm working as hard as I can to actually make this dream a reality, we'll see if it comes true some day.

Your turn to spill the beans, I'm looking forward to learning about you.

Happy Stitches,


  1. Sorry you aren't feeling well.

    My dream job would be to open up an antique/crafters consignment mall. Someday...

  2. Like you, I'm working on making my dream job--a working artist--a reality. I've got a list of projects I want to work on: books to write and produce as comics, stand-alone work that I'd love to see in magazines or on textiles, and various related items that are too numerous and miscellaneous to mention.

  3. Hi Anna, I'm living my dream job except it's not keeping up it's side of the deal (yet). I always wanted to own a quilt store, to teach and be surrounded by like minded people. Opening a store at the start of a recession has made things tough but I can ride it out and wait for all to come and visit - after all it's my dream.
    hugs, Miche'le

  4. My dream job would be to own and run a bookstore. I love the idea of being surrounded by books all day.

  5. Dream job?? Either a full-time writer or an actress. :)

  6. I would love to own my own craft store/ home decor store! I would also just love to be a stay at home mom.

  7. I've got it, truly I love me job as a writer/designer/craftanista! I'm not rich from it but I can support my habit of creating!

  8. Hi Anna, I would definitely come to your workshop!
    I would either have a cooking studio to teach classes, or own a catering business.

  9. To be a full-time blogger/cultural commentator. If I didn't have a "real" job, I could probably write a book, too.
